Chapter 4: Consulting In Beast Boy

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"Thanks for inviting me today, Raven, I had lots of fun. We should do this again sometime." We shared a smile before he headed off. Well I'll take that as I did well..? It was around 3 in the afternoon when our little 'date' ended. I'm so not used to this whole dating thing, but he did say he wanted to go out again...

Does that mean he likes me? Or did he just think of us as two friends hanging out..? I am so confused. I don't know if he gave off any signs of liking me or not! I sighed as I headed up the elevator to the common room. I think I need Beast Boy's help again...

As soon as I got out of the elevator, Starfire shot off the couch and made a bee line straight for me. "Friend Raven! You have come home! How was spending the day with Aqualadd? Was it one of those date type things? Please, you must tell me everything!" I was completely star struck for a moment as she got all up in my face.

"Calm down Star, I was just hanging out with Aqualadd, no biggy." I said in my usual tone. "Now, I'm gonna go, I gotta meditate." I saw Beast Boy still on the couch so without creating suspicion, I used my hand to signal him to follow. I don't think anyone saw, and he nodded slightly. When I got half way down the hall, I heard Beast Boy begin talking.

"I'm gonna go take a nap guys, so I'll be in my room, please don't bother me unless it's important." Best. Excuse. Ever. Yea, that was sarcasm.

"Hey, what do you need to talk to me about? Did it not go well?" He said fairly quietly. "C'mon, we can talk about it in your room." No more being in my room, ever.

"Kay." He opened the door and I followed him inside. "You need to learn hygiene." I said as we entered his room. There were clothes piles everywhere, and I think that there are a couple of empty pizza boxes and tofu containers in here.... Gross.

"So, the date, how'd it go?" He said as he plopped onto his bed, the sheets falling to the floor since they were already drooping off. How can one boy be so messy?.. It's a mystery.

"Okay, well, I think it went well... I mean, he said that he wanted to do it again sometime, but I'm not sure if he thinks of me as a friend or not..." I said as I paced through the only clean area in his room, which was strangely next to the closet.

"Calm down Rae, just tell me how it went and I'll help how I can." He smiled as he watched me pace in confusion. "It's Raven." I corrected him.

"Okay, so... When he picked me up, we decided to go to the movies," I began telling Beast Boy about how the 'date' went and he surprisingly listened quiet intently.

".. And that's when he said that we should hang out again, and left. So, do you think it worked or am I just kidding myself?" Even when I finished speaking, Beast Boy still stared at me intently. "Beast Boy?" I cocked my head to the side, trying to see if he would react. "Uh, Beast Boy." I waved my hand in front of his face. "Huh? Oh yea, sorry.."

He looked kind of down, but I'll rub it off for now. "Were you even listening?" I bent down to be eye hight with him, since he was on the bed. "Yea, yea, calm down, I was just thinking. So far, he might get the idea, but you should ask him out again just to be sure." He said, fiddling with his gloves. That sad look came over him again for a split second before he smiled again, or maybe it's just my imagination? "Well, go on, go tell him to come over again or something." He said energetically and smiled as he ushered me out of his bedroom.

I couldn't help but smile at how he was helping me. I turned around to thank him, but the door had already closed. "Thanks." I whispered, not for anyone to hear.

I headed to the common room and typed another message to Aqualadd on my laptop, asking when he wants to hang out again. While I waited for him to reply, I walked to the kitchen and began brewing some herbal tea. As I was pouring the tea into a small porcelain cup, I hear a faint beep from the computer. He replied.

I smiled as I carried my tea to the lounge and placed my laptop onto my knees and read what he sent. 'How about tonight? There's meant to be a fireworks show at the pier, we could go if you want?' I smiled even wider as I typed a quick answer and sipped at my tea.

"Well someone's happy." I turned around to see Cyborg wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at me. "No." My voice went monotone again and my facial expression went blank. "Well soooorry, but that smile you were wearing before begs to differ." And with that, he left me alone in the common room. I wonder where Robin and Star went off to, haven't seen them since I left to talk with Beast Boy. Oh well, I'm sure that they'll turn up.

Beep. Huh? 'Pick you up at 6?' It was Aqualadd again. 'Yea, I'll see you then.'
I closed my laptop and pushed it to the side. I drank the remainder of my tea and put the cup next to the sink and headed off for my room to get dressed.

"2 hours.... What should I wear?" I though out loud. I was looking through my closet when I found something that Starfire had made me buy once and I never got rid of it. It was a dark purple skirt that went just above my knees. That would be good for a fireworks show at the pier, right? But what if we decide to go on some rides while we're there?

"Raven to Beast Boy." I said into my communicator. "Yeah Rae?" Raven. I mentally scolded him. "My room, now, need your help with something." I threw my communicator onto my bed and continued looking through my clothes for something to wear. A few seconds later, my door opened and a green boy walked through. "What do ya need help with?" He said, closing my door.

"Also, how do you see in here? It's so dark." He whined. I lit a few candles so he'd stop complaining and started going through my closet again. "Aqualadd is taking me to a fireworks show tonight and I don't know what to wear." I admitted, pulling out jeans, shorts, shirts and the occasional skirt.

"Hmm, okay." He began picking up my clothes, trying to pick something out. "How about this?" He lifted up a pair of denim mini shorts and a plain black t-shirt. "It's good if your gonna go on rides, and it'll look... Uh, nice?" It sounded like he changed what he was going to say mid sentence there. "Thanks."

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