Chapter Eleven - A return to the unforeseen lands.

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A/N - I have not watched Gems POV at the time of writing this chapter so apologies if any part of this is incorrect to the cannon Lore of Empires. And within part of Jimmy's Pov there is a 'elven history section' please keep in mind that it is completely head cannon! Enjoy the chapter however!!

Scott's Pov:

I need to leave. But... I need to fix my mistake. I need to recapture my brother... but how... maybe the spell Gem did... but he broke out of it last time. I pull out a few rockets and begin to fly towards Crystal Cliffs.

The cold wind slightly warmed up. There was not as much snow here then back at Rivendale. I begin to walk towards her house when a cat meows at me and looks up to the top of the Wizards tower. "is that where I need to go then? Thanks" I say. I look at the cat, he does nothing. Ill assume that's a yes. I begin to fly up to the top.

As I land I see a lecturer with a book on it. I begin to flip through the pages and find the spell. I rip the page from the book. Maybe I should leave a note. I mean, what's the worst that could happen. Gem having a huge panic attack thinking Xornoth stole it... I'll leave a note.

After I wrote the note and flew away, I land outside the temporal storage room for the academy. I begin to look for anything that could conduct this magic with. I see something start to glow in the back of a few boxes. I push past said boxes and find a golden staff with a blue crystal. There was a note on the handle. 'for Scott - Gem' I turn to the other side of the note. 'Scott, I'm not stupid. If you have found this, then I know that your going to use THAT spell. Good Luck'. Guess I've become predicable now... damm. I take the staff and leave Crystal cliffs. I re read the note. I'll need one key thing from half of the empires. I'll double it. I'll take a thing from each. Seeing as I'm here... I leave the storage room and grab one of Gem's Crystals that had been growing on top of her buildings. I should head to the Grimlands next. It is the closest. I begin to fly over the massive mountains that separate the two kingdoms.

Jimmy Pov:

After what felt like eternity lizzie broke our hug "Jimmy you absolute idiot" she mutters. She looks at me and smiles. I look behind her to see Joel putting on his weird 'swag' glasses. "I always knew you where a broken egg. Only one would fall for a simple trap such as that" he laughs.

"wait... trap?" Gem asks.

"Oh it's really quite simple, Jimmy went to the cave where a... deal with destiny... happened" Lizzie began "and then he set of a trip wire which caught him up in a net."

"we found the net reset up going to look for him" Joel chuckles with a smug tone.

"I found it, moron" Lizzie says nudging Joel. I hear a small laugh from Gem. Her smile quickly fades as she gets a ping from her communicator. She looks back over to me. "Jimmy how aware of the situation are you?" she asks.

"Umm... The last thing I heard was that Mythland would be taken next...?" I say giving her a confused look.

"Fuck." She mutters "Thanks. I need to go." Gem turns away and begins to run off. I look at Lizzie and Joel. They both look confused. "Wonder what that notification was about..." Lizzie says shrugging it of "Anyway, Jimmy, help us get these people out of here. Were planning to take them through the nether theirto Pixl's area for a while."


Won't that give normal people colds though?" Joel says. Lizzie looks at him with a blank stare.

"There elves idiot. They can survive going through both extremes of weather almost instantly" She says "Ever read about elven history?"

"no...? Mezalians have never really had a... positive relationship with elves." Joel says looking away from us.

"HERES A HISTORY LESSON THEN!!" lizzie cheers.

Long ago, an ancient civilisation of elves roamed Earth. They were ruled by two lovers. One with powers of the extreme heat, and one with the powers of the coldest of magic. They wandered across the surface looking for a place to settle down. However, conditions on land where not the best of them. One moment it could be Snowing, the next it could be a heat wave. So many elves began to change the ways they live and got used to the weather. Now, that did not come without consequence, many elves would get sick after living in the ever changing weathers so the two rulers came up with an idea. If they both used their powers together maybe they could make liveable weather conditions. So the two used their powers and it worked. To keep the magic alive, the rulers would have children and that would happen for generations into the future.

Liz finished her story and gave Joel the 'there bitch' smile. "Alright, lets get these people out of here!!" Liz yells walking away. Joel looks over at me. "Did you know that...?" he asks.
"I'm allies with their descendances. Of course I knew" I say walking away.

Scott's Pov:

Who knew getting in and out the Grimlands is so easy...? The next closes place is... The Lost Empire. Yeah no. I believe Joeys Totem farm is in Pixl's land. I'll grab on of them when I get there. Maybe I should head to Shelby's area... That's close. I place the Redstone torches Inside a shulker and begin to fly over to The Undergrove.

I land a bit away, who knows how much corruption there is. I start to walk closer and begin to see Tendrils all over. Its gross. Wait... Didn't Shelby say she came from... I look over at her Nether Portal. Boom. If I can find the area she came from then maybe I can get her direct magic! I sneak down to the Portal and relight it. As I do so I hear someone yelling behind me. I turn around to see what looks like a guard running over. Fuck. I run through the portal and break it behind me. I start to run through the nether. If I remember correctly she said that she came from the North of here... I start to run North.

The Eternal WinterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora