For Better or For Worse

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I'd fall to my knees watching her leave. I told her what I did though, I told her it was all fake. I did what I was supposed to, right?


This can't be it.

This can't be the end of us.

I run back to Erix and Dina wiping my tears, "Hey Erix can you take care of Dina for a while?"

Erix would give me a nod waving his hand meaning he got it. I'd put back on my armor and began running trying to find her again. Where could she have gone to, it's raining she couldn't have gone far right?

I have been running for hours now, and no sight of Raegan anywhere.

She wasn't at the field.

At home.

At any bar I could see.

Shopping areas.


Nowhere to be found.

Wait, I haven't checked one more place. I quickly ran to the mountain I first asked her out on. The rain made it hard to see, suddenly I heard a noise, it sounded like crying.

Making it up there, I saw her finally.


I slide onto my knees and hug her tightly. The rain would continue falling harshly, it was a very dark night. God I was so relieved I found her here, I thought I almost lost her again. I couldn't not follow her and try to find her myself. I love Raegan too much, why wouldn't I look for her, I am fully committed and in love.

I'd pull away cupping her face breathing harshly, "Before you start yelling at me again, please let me speak first"

"Raegan, I know I hurt you, but it was the only way I knew how to make you guys less of targets."

"Baby, I love you more than you will ever know. I don't want anything happening to any of you guys. I don't want, what happened to Erix's father, and my mother, and your father... to happen to you. Please forgive me, I don't care how long it takes. I need you in my life, it can be like old times, we secretly meet up again but still have fun like we always do. Raegan please, I love you, please forgive me."

"I want you in my life."

"Please don't go.."

She grips my hand, looking into my eyes for a moment.

Thinking to herself for a little, the rain continues to pour.

"I promise you that I'm not going to leave you, ever." I reassure her.

I rest my forehead against hers closing my eyes. Suddenly she pulls away, then she looks at me.

"I don't know Selma..."

I give her a slight nod with a shattering heart. I don't know why I thought she would forgive me so instantly, I guess I wanted everything to be solved quickly.

I hug her, "I know what I did was wrong, it just gives you guys that safety, which makes me happy. You don't need to forgive me, but I just love you Rae."

She looks to me, I tuck her hair behind her ear. Glancing down then back up, Rae begins to talk.

"Well.. maybe, I forgive you..." she suddenly mutters.

Out of pure instinct I kiss her passionately despite the rain pouring on us harshly. The moment felt like a scene in the movies, it was calming and something we both needed after what we went through. I feel horrible for doing this to her, but I'm so glad she understands what happened and why I did this. I just hope my work pays off and they can stay safe like this forever. I can't let bad things happen to them without trying to fight it off myself.

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