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( I do believe I forgot to post this here. Oops-)

When the blue speedster woke up, the first thing he noticed was the smell. It stung his nose, making his head spin as toxins filled his lungs. It smelled like decay and fumes.. He coughed, not used to the polluted air that he was now in. He turned, clutching his torso as his coughs worsened.

After that little coughing fit, which his emerald eyes watered at, he slowly opened his eyes. At first, everything was blurry, him still groggy. He groaned, pressing his head against the too cold ground. The next thing he could tell was that he was feeling sick to his stomach, pain following. The pain filled his whole body from head to toe, it very uncomfortable.

He curled up a bit, trying to get the pain and sickness away. A noise left his throat, it sounding in between a whimper and a gurgle . He was shaking at this point, as if he was cold… He wasn’t though. He actually felt too warm. What the heck was happening..?

He had a feeling it wasn’t just the smell that was affecting him… It was also probably the fact that he couldn’t sense any chaos energy anywhere… Like it was just gone, replaced by something else that felt familiar but also unrecognizable. 

He laid there for what felt like ages, it feeling pretty much like torture. It was exhausting..

Eventually, the pain and sickness subsided. It was still there, just a bit more tolerable now. He slowly sat up, him holding his head as another groan left him. He blinked to get the grogginess away, his vision soon clearing.

From what he could tell, he was in a alleyway. It was pretty trashed, dirt covering it in a thick layer as if it hadn’t been cleaned in ages. It also seemed to be part of the smell, dumpsters close by filled to the brim with trash and disgusting rotted things. He cringed, glancing around more.

The alleyway appeared like a deadend, the only entrance and exit being to his left. When he looked up, he could see that the clouds were heavy, a dark grey color that seemed contaminated by whatever pollution was here. He couldn’t even see the blue color the sky usually was, it and the sun hidden from view. 

Sonic frowned, his brows furrowing in concern as he thought,’ what the chaos is this place..? Where in all of mobius was he?’ He stood, stumbling a bit before gaining his footing. He took a deep breath , attempting to keep himself steady as he got his body to function.

Where ever he was.. He needed to figure out if he was the only one who was sent here. Once he find stat out.. Maybe he could find a way ba-

His thoughts were interrupted by a scream coming from outside the alley, the sound of robotics following. He frowned, dashing to the exit of the alley and peeking outside it. 

He gagged slightly as bile rose up, his body not fully recovered from the lack of chaos energy. He gulped, attempting to calm down his stomach.

As he did that, he spotted what the commotion was about. There was a mouse mobian, them looking around a few years younger than himself.  They were cowering against the wall of the building across from the alley, a bot in front of them. The bot was aiming their missile launcher arm at the mouse, speaking in a drone tone," You are under arrest, citizen. Do not resist." 

Sonic narrowed his eyes, not spotting anything that would even resemble that Eggman built them. It did look familiar though.. 

No matter, that mouse needed help. 

Sonic grinned, his emerald eyes flashing as he speed up to the bot, quickly spindashing them. 

What he didn't expect was for the thing to blow up, him more used to the bots just falling apart into a million pieces. He yelped, loosing his balance due to the surprise. He managed to keep himself on his feet, a smirk making its way onto his face victoriously. 

He then turned to the mouse, his expression turning into softer one as he asked concernedly," Are you ok?" 

The mouse nodded quickly, their dark eyes sparkling in awe," uh huh! How'd you do that, mister?!"

He smiled, rubbing under his nose with his pointer finger as he put his other hand on his hip," All in practice and natural ability, kiddo! Pretty cool, yeah?" 

The younger waved their hands in the air excitedly, exclaiming," Yeah! It was awesome! Thank you for saving me.."

He ruffled their hair, giving them a thumbs up," No sweat! We should get you home now , though. Your family must miss ya."

The mouse's expression fell, them shifting on their feet,"... I don't have a home.. Not anymore…. But I do have a place I can go to get some where to stay! I just need help to get there."

The speedster's eyes widened, his heart falling slightly at the kid's words. His smile fell a bit,".. What happened, if ya don't mind me asking..? Although, you don't have to tell me if it's a touchy subject."

The kid looked up at him," My home was invaded by the Emporer Robotnik's scary robots.. They took my parents.. They did it to other kids families too. I've been on the run ever since.."

The hero tensed, eyes widening at the mention of Robotnik. That can't be… can it?

Did the emerald literally send him to the place he was trying to go?? Well, that explains some things..

".. How 'bout this? I help get you to that place you said, and then I'll help get your families back? Sounds good?",Sonic grinned now, confidence radiating off it.

The mouse's eyes widened, them asking in shock," y-you would really do that for us??"

"Yup! Helping others is what I do! What do ya say?", Sonic set his hands on his hips, standing straight.

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!!!", The mouse jumped up, hugging the blue hedgehog as tight as they could.

He hugged back , chuckling cheerfully," You're welcome. Now let's get goin'! Lead the way and I'll take ya there!"

The mouse nodded," ok! Let's go!"

With that, Sonic shifted them to a better carrying position, him speeding off in a blue blur..

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