Once a hero, always a hero.. 2

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You know when you just randomly have a bad feeling and know something horrible is about to happen?... Yeah, That’s Code right now. 

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, His hands clasped on the table in front of him as he watched their team leader speak about the day’s activities. Said team leader was Undyne, Or Knight as was her hero name.

He should probably explain what he means by team. In the city, there were several hero teams that made up the “ Heroes Guild”, the government assigned ‘Heroes of the modern age’…  Well , most of them are government assigned. Some are just People who want to do good for the city. 

They had different classes depending on the teams combined strength, agility, and teamwork. 

This specific team that Code was in  was one that didn’t work for the government. Yeah they had to get hero licenses , but they didn’t get paid for what they did other than what the people they save gave them. And there was also Asgore, The sponsor for their team who aided them where he could. 

This team mainly consisted of his friends, which was why they knew their secret identities. The team’s name was “ The Sentries”, ironic right? Oh well, they could change it whenever they like… Although they preferred to keep it that way.

Undyne finished up assigning everyone tasks, letting everyone head on out to do what they need to. Code groaned, setting his forehead on his arms. Of course he was on watch..

Being on watch was basically being at the computer, informing everyone if there was an emergency. They wouldn’t be on the field helping the others.. Which could get very boring at times. Most of the time he was on watch…

They said it was because his abilities with the codes it was to be used as a ‘ only if necessary’ kinda deal. But he knew that in actuality they were worried about his small amount HP. Which he didn’t quite understand why. Yeah it was small, but he knew how to protect himself..

Doggo glanced at the shorter, a tad concerned as he spoke,” You alright?”

Code just groaned again, attempting to will the understanding of why he was like this into his companion’s head. Doggo seemed to get it,”... You don’t want to be on watch again, do you?”

“Yessssss… It’s so boringggg..”, Code whined, closing his eyesockets.

Doggo chuckled,” Yeah , i know… But hey, you being on watch means you can scout the best fast food places for us.  And you’re the most versatile out of all of us, meaning you can get to places the fastest no sweat. I say that’s the best kind of pros.. Don’t you, sans?”

Code huffed, glancing at the other,”... I guess… It’ll still be boring , though.” Code, or sans, pouted. Doggo’s chuckle turned into a snicker.

“We could talk during it, you know.”, The dog monster pointed out, him leaning back in his seat.

“... I know… But i wanna be out there with you guys.. Fighting villains and saving people..”, sans sighed , setting his chin on his arms. 

“Ah….”, Doggo hummed, a thoughtful expression on his face,”..... Is it because you have an inclination to help others or is it because you miss us when we’re gone?”, The taller smirked then, a slight tease to his voice.

Sans took a moment to think about it, sending as slight look at the other before answering , “... both… i guess..”

Doggo snorted, clearly amused as he clasped his hand over his snout. Sans glowered, annoyed now,” Stop laughing.. It’s true.”

Doggo waved his hand , attempting to stop himself as he spoke,” S-sorry, Sans… It’s just you taking that long to think about it is what got me. That’s all… We should probably get to work, huh? The world isn’t gonna save itself.” He had calmed down, him grinning cheekily. 

Sans sighed, him sitting up,” i guess….. I’ll let you know if i find any good food stops..” The skeleton smiled a bit.

Doggo stood, giving a thumbs up to the other,” Cool. Talk to ya later, Code.”

Sans grinned, mock saluting the other,” ‘Til next time, Cap.”

With that, the dog hero left, leaving the shorter to his own devices. Said short skeleton sighed, standing himself. “Guess I better get started… Great…” Sans frowned then, him heading towards the computer station..

Huh… that bad feeling hadn’t gone away yet… Weird.

Eh.. it’s probably nothing… right?

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