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That was all he could feel.. It covered his body like a tight suit, every part of him hurt.

The smell was awful.. It smelled of dirt, dust, blood, oil, smoke... It even smelled like something died..

Then there was his hearing. There was a loud ringing that he couldn't shake, no matter how hard he covered his ears. It was slowly giving him a head ache.

.... And then? It was his vision. Everywhere burred into colors and shapes, his brown eyes unfocused. When he squinted, it got worse. He couldn't tell if that was just his normal sight or if it was a concussion...

He whimpered, it not even reaching his ears.

The outline of rubble could be seen, a red-orange glow of what resembled fire coming from random areas.

Just what happened exactly..? Last he remembered he had been hanging out with Eimi and then Eggman came out of nowhere and started wrecking everything...

He blacked out, didn't he? If so.. Then..

Was Eimi ok?? He needs to find her. But first... Where the hell are his glasses?!

He reached up into his quills , hoping he could find his glasses..

No such luck, the only thing in his quills was a strange stone thingy. He sighed aggravatedly , him slowly sitting up. He winced as sharp pains came from the movement,more whimpers leaving him.

Whatever happened... It might've been dangerous..

His hearing was slowly going back to normal.. And with that he could hear flames now.. Was there a fire nearby? Oh man-

He froze when a voice called out a bit away. It was faint, but he could hear what they said..

"Sonic?! Where are you?!", was the faint call..

He felt really confused. Sonic was that hedgehog kid who saved his town several million times... But he never got people looking for him from what the blue hedgehog could understand. Why were they looking for the hero now..?

Wait... Where was Anita? And their parents?

"... H....Hello...?", He quietly called out, tensing when his voice was spoken. It wasn't his. It sounded older, past puberty kinda deal. It wasn't deep, but it wasn't high pitched either. There was no way he sounded like that, especially because he was 10...

He glanced at himself, unable to tell what was what due to his blindness. What he could tell though was that he was missing his sweater, one of the only comforting things he owned.

He heard footsteps, quick. He tensed , curling up as tears formed. He felt a bit... embarrassed due to not having his sweater. And he for sure didn't feel confident without his glasses..

A gasp echoed out, followed by and exclamation," There you are! Do you have any idea how worried you made us after you were thrown across the city?!"

Stomps were heard by booted feet, a pink and red blue showing up in his vision. He squinted, attempting to see who it was , only to yelp in surprised with widened eyes as the pink blur practically jumped on him. Strong but slim arms found their way around him, the hug being tight from whoever it was.

He blinked, confusion radiating off him like a wave," T..thrown...? Wait, did y-you say across the city?!" His blood ran cold. He... He was thrown across the city?!

How'd he... How'd he survive something like that?!

The person giggled, seeming to do a nodding motion," Well yeah, didn't you hear me, soniku? Gee, you must not remember it.."

He blinked , his brow furrowing in even mor confusion,".... Soniku...? I.. I-i don-"

He was cut off by an explosion, him jumping a bit in startlement, a squeak leaving him due to fear.

The other seemed confused now, the emotion bleeding into their voice,"... Sonic..? Are you ok? You don't usually jump at the sounds of explosions.."

His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, realization filling him,"... Y-you think I'm s-sonic...?" He mentally cursed at his stuttering, his face turning red from embarrassment.

A laugh left the other, it having a familiar ring to it," of course I do, I would recognize my sonic anywhere! What's up with you??... Oh nevermind that, we have to find out what the explosion was. Come on!"

He tensed as he was pulled up to his feet by his hand, him stumbling a bit by the force. He kept stumbling as the person dragged him, his voice higher pitched in a bit of panic," Wherearewegoing-"

The person's answer," To the explosion! We need to see if everyone's ok and everything! And we need to see if Eggman did anything worse! Why are you acting so weird about this?"

The blur seemed to move its head, just barely seen eyes pointing towards him.

"B-b-because I'm n-not Sonic!", he pulled his hand away from theirs, holding it close as he backed away slightly. His ears were down, his breathing quickening as the tears finally fell, now able to be seen.

"... What..? But you have to be, you're the only blue speedy hedgehog in the city!", their voice sounded incredulous, them fully turning to him.

"I'm n-not! I'm not fast, nor con-fident! A-and my name i-isn't sonic, i-its Nicky! Nicky Parlouzer!", he hugged himself, more tears springing forth.

".... That can't be...." Their voice was barely a whisper, a slight shakiness to it. ".... Nicky dissapeared years ago... After one of Robotnik's attacks... There's no way..."

Now it's his turn to say 'what?'.

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