Don't Starve..

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It was dark…

It was always dark now. Even during the day , darkness seemed to close in on him. It was unnerving to put it simply.

He didn't remember how he got there. He didn't know why he was there either..

Something brought him here for a reason though. That much he knew. 

He paused when a branch snapped to his left, his multicolored phalages freezing as they tangled in with the vines he had been weaving into a basket. 

He glanced to the left, his sight catching the glimpse of a shadow moving in the darkness of the trees. He has to move soon. He has to move onto a new place before it reaches night. 

He frowned , finishing up with the basket with renewed vigor. He wouldn't be able to move until it's complete, seeing as he had nothing to carry it in. 

This world was… odd. None of the creatures looked like ones he had seen before. He remembered a world not dark like this.. 

And there was no one sentient here.. Or at least , there was no one he had seen before now here that was sentient. In the world he remembered, there was lots of sentient life… Said sentient life he didn't remember vividly. 

He didn't remember details of where he came from, or even who he was..  All he knew was his name and the fact he didn't belong here. 

He finally completed the basket, a proud feeling filling him as he lifted it to veiw his work. It was well woven, the knots tight enough to be strong. It was big enough to carry several items, on the back of it was straps like that of a backpack. 

He grinned, putting it on as he stood from his cross-legged position. Now he could carry more things… good. He needed it. He reached down and picked up the small but sharp bone that laid beside him, him studying it once before moving on. 

It was red in color, not a usual color for bone. It glitched always, a light static sound coming from it. He didn't mind, the noise managed to keep him sane during the long dark nights. 

He kept the makeshift weapon in his hand as he moved forward, preparing for the long day ahead. 

If there was one thing he knew for sure without a doubt, it was to go back to the world that existed only in his memories, the world where it was bright and full of life that was like him in sentience… 

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