Tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties 11

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Donald stared at the sky lazily, his arms behind his feathered head as he watched the clouds slowly drift by. He sighed softly, annoyance slightly filling him as he spoke," Why did you bring me here, louie? We both know this isn't real."

Louie quietly sat next to his uncle, back in his duckling form. There was a slight grey tint to his feathers, the same as Donald's. The exduckling spoke, him hugging his knees,"... I figured we could just... Be ourselves for a bit... Just because it isn't real doesn't mean it wasn't...."

Donald looked over at Louie, noticing his faraway gaze. He spoke softly,"... That wasn't the only reason, was it?"

Louie just nodded, him looking away,".... You never sleep.... Ever. I just... Figured being in a nice place instead of a nightmare would help you. I... Can't believe I never found you through your dreams.. How could I be so blind to the fact my own uncle was right under my nose the whole time..?"

Donald sat up, setting a hand on his nephew's shoulder," It's not your fault, Lou. You couldn't have known.. Don't go beating yourself up about it, ok?"

Louie was quiet for a bit, him looking away as he hid slightly in his green hoodie. Donald let the silence continue, allowing the younger to process what he said. He had lowered his hand down, setting it beside of himself as he turned his gaze towards the ocean before them. The waves were soft, the wind blowing the gently as the houseboat rocked lightly in the water. It had been a while since he last seen his house boat.. So it was good to gaze at it again.

Louie, after what seemed like a while, spoke up again,".... Unca Donald..?"

Donald glanced at the exduckling, his head tilting slightly as he gave his full attention to him," Yes, Lou?"

The king of nightmares, man that was weird to think about now with the knowledge that his nephew was Nightmare, shifted nervously, messing with his sleeves as he spoke,"... Do you.. Think we'll ever get back to.... To who we used to be?"

"You mean become ducks again.", Donald spoke, it pretty much a statement than a question.

Louie nodded, hiding a bit in his hoodie. Donald thought about it for a while, before he spoke,"... Well. Maybe... But..."

Donald sighed, glancing at his feathered hands in thought,"... We'll need to find out what changed us and how to get it to change us back... We... Might not be able to if I'm being honest."

Louie looked up, a look of understanding forming on his face. He nodded, a soft sigh leaving him,"... Figures... How are we gonna explain... This to everyone from home?" The exduckling gestured between the two.

Donald chuckled, leaning back once more," We improvise. Tell 'em the truth the way we see it."

Louie deadpanned at his uncle,  a 'are you kidding me' look on his face.

Donald shrugged at the look, a grin formed on his face," what? It's one of the best ways to explain anything to anyone, no matter what it is."

Louie crossed his arms, raising a brow,"... Uh huh.... Sure it is.."

Their conversation continued like this, Louie asking things and Donald answering them. It lasted for what felt like hours...

At least , that was until a shift happened. It wasn't extravagant or anything like that... But it was noticable to the destroyer and exguardian.

They paused both glancing at eachother in confusion. What the hell?

Something felt... Wrong. Like something wasn't right.

The area started fading, an indication that they were waking up. Good, maybe they could find out what the hell happened.

Louie sighed softly, sticking his hands into his pockets as he looked up at his uncle," ... Looks like we need to wake up now. "

Donald nodded, smiling as he ruffled Louie's head feathers," this was nice. Thanks, kiddo."

Louie smiled back, shrugging nonchalantly," It's no prob. Just another day in the office."

They both chuckled at that, both finding humor in it.

With that, everything faded away into darkness.. Donald hoped that whatever this was, it wasn't bad...

It couldn't be to bad... Right?

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