Chapter 22

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MY story is coming to an END tomorrow, One last chapter to write!!

Third View:

At the next day, James woke up before Maddie. He went outside of the bedroom to not wake Maddie. As he was coming down the stairs, he dialed his parents' number.
"Hello?" James heard his father's husker voice, knowing that he just got up.
"Dad, it me. Did I wake you up?" James looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 8 am, so it's OK.
"It's fine, James. What's wrong, son?"

James sighed and tried to relax a bit. "I'm nervous, dad. I couldn't sleep anymore." James could hear his parents laughing in the background and his mother taking the phone from her husband.
"Don't be nervous, James. You know Maddie loves you with her soul, especially after everything that she went through with her crazy ex. Now prepare a breakfast to bring it to her. Don't let me go there and teach you how to be a gentleman, James Leo Davis."
When his mother calls him by his full name, he really hates it so much because it means trouble for him.

"Mom... I'll see you all later at the restaurant." James said his goodbyes to them and went to the kitchen.
Maddie rolled to James' side to hug him, but came up with an empty pillow. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. After a few minutes, she smelled something delicious that was coming from the kitchen. Maddie raised from the bed naked and went to the bathroom to prepare herself to go down.
Today they didn't have to wake up Drew, because he was at his grandparents' now. After a quick sower, she put on herself James' t-shirt that reached her thighs and went down to the kitchen.
"Good morning. What smells so good? We are hungry." Maddie hugged James from behind.

"Good morning, love. I have pancakes for..." James turned around and raised an eyebrow and looked at what she was wearing. "Maddie? What are wearing?" Maddie looked down at the t-shirt she wore and then looked at James with a confusing face.
"What do you mean? I'm wearing your t-shirt. It's more comfortable for me now that I'm getting bigger. Do I look ugly? OH no I look ugly and you won't love me and..." Maddie starting crying at her words. James hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"No, my love, you look amazing. The reason that I've asked..." James sighed, "The reason is that you look too sexy with my t-shirt on you. I'm sorry that I upset you with my question."
Maddie wiped down her tears and looked at James. "You really think that I look sexy with this t-shirt?"
"Oh, you do not know what you are doing to me now that I'm looking at you. I just want to take you back up to our room and make you scream all day and all night, but unfortunately we can't do it now and I need to take a cold shower, but later at night I'll show you how I felt with you in my t-shirt." Maddie smiled and watched him going upstairs to take a shower.

Later that evening, Maddie was getting dressed up In a blue dress that had a small cleavage and it exposed her back to his touch, the length of the dress was until her knees and she wore shoes with a small high heal because of her pregnancy. When she was ready, Maddie got out of the room and went down the stairs, where she saw James was waiting to receive her.
He wore a Grey suit he looked sexy in it. She can't wait to go back home and pealing this suit from his body, admiring his sculptured body.

"Babe, keep looking at me like that and we'll not leave this place at all."
Maddie smiled and entangled their hands together. James opened the door to the passenger sit so she could enter inside. While being on the road to the restaurant, Maddie couldn't be still in her sit.
"You OK, my love?" Maddie looked at James and smiled.
"I feel nervous but a good one. Like something good is going to happen today. Do you know the reason?" James laughed nervously and said.
"Just wait until we arrive. I'll tell you then." Maddie nodded her and continued to look at the night scenes that passes by as they drove to their destiny.
After an hour's drive, they finally reached Dekota's restaurant and Maddie looked at him.
"Why are we here? To enter her restaurant, we don't have to dress up."

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