Chapter 17

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After they have put Drew in his crib and watched as he fell a sleep, Maddie took James' hand and walked to their room. As they arrived at the room, they sat on the bed in silence.
Maddie leaned into James' shoulder. "What are we going to do now?"
"We need to come up with a plan, Maddie. I don't want to lose you, but if the only way to catch him is to make you the victim, then there is nothing else we can do."
Maddie sighed, "You're right, but I'm scared."
"I know, my love. I'm scared too, but we need some plan."
As she continued to lean on James' shoulder, she thought of something and looked at him.
"Tomorrow will need to pack a few things for Drew so your parents take him to their house. I don't want him to witness my kidnap. You will leave before that to the base and after I'll put Drew at your parents' house, I'll go back to the house and just wait for him."
"About putting Drew at my parents' house. It's a good idea. Before I'll leave to the base, I'll wait from a far inside the car so John won't see me and watch you, it'll break my heart to see you being kidnapped by that psycho but I know that I'll find you if you'll have your phone with you, because I'm going to put there a device that will locate you and that way the police and I will rescue you."
"OK! James? Can you make love to me? Because I have a feeling that it'll be awhile until we reunite again. I just want to feel you with me, to be in your muscular arms, and most important, I want to feel your love for me."
Maddie watched as James got up from the bed beside her and took off his shirt and pants. She watched him as he approached her and picked her up in his arms to lay her down on their bed. Maddie felt his lips brushing her sensitive skin at her collarbone. She felt his hands going under her shirt and lifted it up. She helped him by raising her hands up and take off completely.
"GOD, you're so beautiful, Maddie. I'm going to love to see your body change each month as our baby is growing inside of you." He said as she felt his lips kissing her flat stomach. After that, his lips were going up to her breast where he took his sweet time and tortured her with sweet and light kisses.
"Oh GOD, James. Mm, this feels good." She couldn't help to moan at the kisses he was giving her and the attention he gave to them. After that she lifted to her hips up to help her remove her shorts that she always wears to sleep, leaving her bare to him completely to devour her from upper body to the most intimate part of her body where he was currently give the special attention and driving her crazy. "OH GOD, James. I'm going to come."
"Just relax, my love and release it. I'll catch you when you fall." After she heard his words, she felt this tongue go inside of her intimate and sensitive part of her. After what felt like forever, Maddie released a scream as she came at him. Maddie opened her eyes and saw him watching her with a smile on his lips. "That was the sexiest release that I ever heard in my life, and you are so ready for me, so I'm going to come inside of you all night long, so you will remember me forever no matter where you'll be." Maddie smiled at his words and kissed him like she was afraid of losing him, as they were kissing she felt him position himself between her legs and she embraced his hips with her legs and felt him inside of her, making love to her for all night long.
After a long lovemaking, she hugged his waist and rest her head at his chest and said, "I love you James, we'll return to you no matter what it takes."
"I love you too, my love. I'll do everything in my power to have you and our baby back to us. Now sleep, because tomorrow we'll need a lot of energy to fight that evil man and for me to find you. Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, my love" Maddie smiled and closed her eyes and felt his lips before falling a sleep and hoped that tomorrow will go cording to their plan.
At the next morning, when Maddie opened her eyes, she tried to reach out and hug James' body but came out with an empty side. She sat at her bed with the blanket on her body and looked around the room, when she heart water running down in the bathroom, she smiled and got up from the bed leaving the blanket and going to the bathroom.
Maddie opened the shower door and entered inside hugging him from behind, "Good morning, my love." She felt him turning around and smiling down at her. "Can I join you?"
"Well practically, you are already inside. You look so good my love." Maddie laughed and just took a shower alongside James to save them self time, but she had the feeling the shower time is just going to be longer as he lifted her up in the shower to start and make a steaming morning that started in the shower and ended in their bedroom.
After a few hours, they both woke up again and Maddie went to the kitchen to prepare them the breakfast and left James to bring their son down. Today was a day, where she felt that something can happen but didn't want to ruin their peaceful morning. She heard James coming down the stairs with Drew in his hands and smiled.
"Good morning, Drew. Did you slept well?" Drew reached his hands to her, and she took him in to her arms. She wanted to smell his baby powder that he always has and give him a lot of kisses. "Let's eat the breakfast, because today you are going to stay with grandma and grandpa, they miss you." Maddie sat Drew in his highchair and gave him his favorite food and watched as he ate by himself.
"You should eat too, my love. Today is going to be a long day."
Maddie smiled at him and ate the breakfast, after enjoying the silence breakfast Maddie got up from the table with the plates and went to wash them while James took Drew to wash his face and hands.
After Maddie finished washing the dishes, she saw James coming down the stairs holding Drew in one hand and his the small bag that she prepared with Drew's favorite stuff in the other hand. Maddie approached them and hugged them both.
"I love you both so much, I wish we could stay like that forever. Be a good boy for your grandparents, OK?" Maddie brushed his hair with her hand and smiled with a sad smile.
"Don't worry my love, we'll be together eventually after we put John behind bars." Maddie nodded to him. "GOD, I don't want to leave you, but I need for our plan to work. So, I'm going to leave but I'll be watching you not from a far. Just be patient and we'll find you, be strong!"
"I will, drive safe. Love you!"
"Love you too." Maddie kissed James, and he passed Drew to her, she watched him leaving the house and driving.
"Well buddy, it's time to bring you to your grandparents. That way you'll be safe." Maddie picked the bag that she prepared for Drew and walked with him to Terry and Albert's house that was a 10 minutes walk from their house to James' parents' house.
When Maddie arrived to their house, she knocked on the door and waited. In a few moments, she saw the door open and Terry was standing there with a smile.
"Hi Maddie, how are you feeling?"
"Hi Terry, little nervous but there is nothing else to do. I brought Drew to you like we talked yesterday, I don't want him to be home when I get kidnapped. It's better to make him safe with you two. Please take care of James and Drew for me! I'll be back."
Maddie got pulled into a hug and saw Albert coming to them and joined the hug. "Take care of yourself and our grandchild that is growing inside of you. We'll be waiting for you."
Maddie smiled at them and said their goodbyes. As she was on the way back, she could feel that someone was following her and she knew it was him, before she could reach home the same black car stopped in front of her. She watched as John got out of the car and approached her, Maddie walked backward to escape him but he grabbed her.
"Don't you dare to scream, or else it will end bad for your loves one." Maddie nodded her head, "Get inside the car!" Maddie entered the car after John left the door open and waited. Suddenly she felt like a prick to her neck. He injected something into her, and she looked at him with a horror in her eyes.
"Goodnight, little bird. When you wake up, we'll be at our new place!" Maddie felt her eyes begging to shut and before she drifted to a blackout, she heard his evil laugh.

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