Chapter 3

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It has been two weeks since she saw him suffering, Maddie can't get those image from her head, it hurts her to know that he has been suffered so much during that time. She tried to focus on Drew that had to watch his father scream and suffer, but she knows that a child will always feel what his father felt that time. "Good morning Maddie" James came to the kitchen half awake and he sat down at the table near Drew, She saw how he kissed his son on the head and hoped that he'll kiss her too, suddenly Maddie realized that she she was thinking about him kissing her so she shook her head. "Good morning James. How did you slept?" She knew that he didn't had an episode at night she was glad that he was a little bit batter. Maddie retired back to the task of finishing masking the breakfast for them. After few minutes it was ready and she put each one on the plate and served it to James and then sat down near Drew and began to feed him too. "Where is your breakfast, Maddie?" James asked her when he noticed that she was only feeding Drew. "I'll eat after I fed Drew, don't worry about me. Please enjoy your breakfast." Maddie smiled at him and returned ti feed Drew.

"Come on buddy, here come the plane... say ah... knock knock will you let me in?" She liked playing with Drew when she was feeding him, she laughed when he opened his mouth at let her feed him. While she fed Drew, she saw James getting up from his chair, at first she thought that he finished his breakfast but the then she saw him going to the stove and putting on a plate the scramble egg and sausages on a plate and serving her. "You didn't have to do it James. I could have get it by myself after..." Maddie couldn't finish her words when James took over on feeding his son. "You focus on eating and I'll feed my son. And then will change, is that OK with you?" James smiled at his son and started to feed him. Maddie started to feel confuse, what was that feeling that she feels right now? Is that what true love spouse to be? Why I feel this way? When I was dating John, I hadn't felt that way. Maddie sighed with that thought I must have lost my mind just now. Could it be that I'm falling in live with this man that is sitting in front of me? "Maddie? Do you feel OK? You look flashed red, are you sick?" James touched her forehead to see if she had fever. Maddie jumped from his touch and fell backwards. James got scared and rushed to help her, Maddie felt embarrassed with her thoughts and that she fell from her chair from just his small gesture. What is wrong with me? I'm become dummy around him. Maddie got up from the floor with the help of James.

"Did you break something?" she felt flattered about his concern about her, no one ever was concern about her the way he was when she fell mostly people laughed at her. She felt his hand on her cheek when he removed a single tear that started to run down her cheeks, Maddie didn't know she was crying until James hugged her and started to caress her so she could calm down. "Don't cry Maddie. You didn't break anything right?" She shook her head to his answer because she knew that if she answered with her voice it will go down the drain all her deep secrets that she is keeping from him. She knows that someday she'll tell him the truth, but until then she'll just enjoy this hug that he's giving her. "I'm sorry James, I didn't meant to cry. I never had family to take care for me, you are the first person to actually care about me fall." Maddie laughed at her word and even though she didn't want to but she released herself from his warm hug. "And to answer your question, I'm fine. Didn't broke anything, just my pride." She smiled at him as a thank you and returned to the table to continue the breakfast silently.

Maddie was currently sitting at the living room with Drew sleeping in his crib next to her, even though she wanted to watch some TV, she couldn't concentrate on the show that was going on right now, I should just stop thinking about James in romantically way, cause if John found out he'll hurt them like he hurt me. Maddie sighed to herself and looked at little Drew that was sleeping peacefully I don't want anything to happen to this beautiful child, if he'll hurt him I'll just kill him Maddie thought furiously, she won't let him hurt someone that she loves no matter what. Than she looked at the end of the hall where James's office were I can't him get hurt, it will break my heart. What am I doing? I should just keep my feeling to myself and that way no one will be hurt because of me. Maddie's thoughts were interrupted with the noises that Drew was doing when he was waking up from his naps "Did someone just slept good I see. Did you sleep well?" Maddie smiled at Drew that opened his blue eyes, he had his father blue eyes and she knew that in the future he'll be breaking a lot of women's heart with this face and this blue eyes. Maddie got up from the couch and approached the crib to let him out and put him on the carpet to let him play with his toys. Maddie felt happy to be in this house with this two men that lived here, she doesn't want it to be destroyed because of her. Maddie felt a sting in her heart just to think that something can happen to this two important men in her life and she doesn't want to leave them either, she just sat thee on the couch and watched Drew playing happily with his toys and occasionally smiling at her so she decided to join him on the carpet and play with him.

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