
"i want to stop hakkai too." kisaki simply said, causes chifuyu angry, "think i can't see through your bullshits?! why the fuck would we ever wanna work with you?!"

"...you got a better idea?" chifuyu shut his mouth for a moment, "as long as the truce mitsuya made with the black dragons active, the other toman admins won't lay a finger on them. that said, there's no way you two alone can take on the black dragons." kisaki said.

y/n with zenitsu besides her observing the conversation, want to see through behind kisaki's words. why so sudden he wants to work with them? didn't he know he always gets slandered in their group?

"...mikey is weak right now. seeing how the black dragons are gaining power, i want to crush them. right here and now." kisaki didn't even flinch when chifuyu broke a glass and point at his neck;

"it's not mikey! it's mikey-kun got that?! even if you're a captain, we're still the same age, so don't act like you're better than me!" the agatsuma girl cheering for chifuyu as if she's a supporting girlfriend.

"chifuyu.." takemichi stared at his friend in shock, then someone appeared behind him with a knife on his neck, "hey, now. you should know that infighting is strictly off-limits."


chifuyu glanced at him, "break that, taboo and i'll have to go a little crazy ya fucks ♡︎"

this time agatsuma y/n appeared behind hanma with a knife behind him, "how about you let takemichi go first? and kisaki, it's nice to finally meet you. i have heard lots about you. of course not good things."

because of her disguise, it makes kisaki scared. can they pause this for a moment so he can go to the toilet?

chifuyu tsked, and put the glass away, make the other two put their knife away, "what good would it do us to join forces with you?"

"there's a mole within the black dragons. i hate wasting time, let's go."

y/n rolled her eyes, "i HaTe wAstIng TiMe, my ass." chifuyu slapped behind her head and tugged her with him.

with that the group took off.



y/n stay close to her friends as she continues judging and observing kisaki and hanma. she keeps her guard up because anytime, the duo can betray the three of them.

"make sure nobody knows about this." the mole spoke, "because if this gets out, i'm as good as dead."

"don't worry. nobody here's gonna rat you out." kisaki reassured, "so, do you know?"

"...yeah. you wanna know the boss's movements?"

"taiju's movements?" chifuyu questioned, "yeah. if we wanna beat the black dragons, we need info on taiju." kisaki answered- "what he does on a typical day. where he is, what's he doing, and at what time. that what we'll have a general idea of what we're dealing with."

y/n gotta admit, kisaki is actually smart. but not smart like her of course, "knowing your enemy makes them easy to defeat, right?"

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