thirty four

712 26 1

Jungkook wake up and saw himself in taehyung's arm's he snuggle more causing taehyung to look at him the second younger smile and kiss youngest forehead

Taehyung - you ok ?

Jungkook - hmm . tired

Other's chuckle jungkook flinch when he hear the door open and it was front door causing sun light to enter in living room jungkook whine loudly and jimin come in front of him to stop and type of sunlight

Hoseok - I'm sorry I was in real hurry

Jin - it's ok

Jin close the door and lock it properly jungkook run in hoseok's arm's and hobi was a little confuse but hug the boy jungkook giggle and look at hobi

Jungkook - hyungi why you look like you didnt shower from month's

Hoseok - ( wide eyes ) you can see

Jungkook nodded and hobi pick him up spinning and kissing his whole face and peck his Lip's making him shy


??? - why isn't he here now and Kim nest crying

??? - don't worry next time I call him and he will be here in you feet

??? Grab ??? Hair's and scream on ??? face while ??? Try to stop ??? 

??? - you better or I will kill you

??? - don't worry you will have Kim nest on kneels ready to do whatever you want

??? - I will kill you all you will beg me to leave your baby vampire and I will laugh at you

??? Look at ??? and laugh like a psycho ??? Pick up the silver kings which have a name curved on it


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