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Jin and yoongi came inside and look at everyone except taekook on couch in living room they enter and sit on couch tired

Yoongi - we didn't found anything , not even and smell

Hoseok - but I'm sure there was someone

Jin - I know your telling the truth maybe they didnt came today . where is tae and koo

Namjoon - they are sleeping

Taehyung - we were , we are up like sun

Others look at taehyung who has jungkook in his arms walking towards them and jungkook is still sleeping in his arms

Jimin - you have competition yoon hyung

Jin - don't say like this he just transform , he will be sleepy after his feed

Namjoon - wait tae did you feed him

Taehyung - yeah he wake up with burning in his throat so he wake me up and I feed him

Namjoon - huh ok

Taehyung - BTW did you guys found anything

Jin shook his head and rest his head on hoseok shoulder , hoseok was still a little stressed and jin feed his stiff body and yoongi his emotions

Yoongi - we will go tonight again and check it , we also have to go for hunt

Namjoon - one of us have to stay home with kookie

Hoseok - I will stay and I don't like hunting

Jin - OK then , yoon come with me and have some rest

Jung kook - me too

Jung kook whisper from taehyung's chest and others coo jin come and get Jung kook from taehyung and left with yoongi

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