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( jimin suddenly come and snatch jungkook from namjoon making jungkook started and have a fistfull of his hoodie jimin smile at his cuteness)

Namjoon - what is it

Jimin - me and tae will be with kookie right tae

Taehyung - no you go with him ,I don't think he is comfortable with me

( other's didn't said any think cause its their two youngest communication that should be done by them only )

Jungkook - y-you can come

Tehyung - ( wide eye's ) you sure

(Jungkook nodded his head making others smile as how sweet and forgiving their baby is and like that maknea line leave )

Jin - now you all know what we have to do

Hoseok - it's fun to do it ,last time we did it when we turn tae

Yoongi - but we need to be extra careful his human senses and vampire senses will have fight and it will cause his health

Jin - jooni what are you thinking

Namjoon - it's just ,he is so small and thin I'm just worry that he is not living the best

(Jin pull namjoon on his lap making him blush ,hyung line never be touchy in front of their youngers as they are the baby's of neat and need to be pamper )

Jin - don't worry hun now he is with us and just see my cooking will make him fat like pig

(Then they hear a loud thum followed by a scream they all run towards jimin's room from where they hear scream and burst inside the room to see taehyung on jimin pulling his hair's while jimin trying to kick his ball's and jungkook the baby is looking at them with wide eye's )

Jin - ( shout ) YAH GET UP BOTH OF YOU

(Both leave eachother and stand up to see jin glaring at them and others just shake their head )

Jin - kindly explain what is happening here

Jimin - he is  cheating again

Taehyung - no I'm not your just trying to showoff infront of kookie

Jimin - no I'm not I was about to win when you came infront of me so I can't see

Hoseok - shut up can you , bunny what really happen

Jungkook - I don't know I went to pee when I came back they were fighting

Yoongi - hmm , I'm not even interested in this come here bun let's go you must be tired

Jungkook - no I'm not I want to pl-

( he cut himself with a cute yawn we chuckle and yoongi pick him up then start to walk towards jungkook room )

Yoongi - yeah I can tell that

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