Chapter 9. An Arrow

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In the morning, Jackie woke up in her wide bed, the sun tickling her eyelashes. The smells of coffee and fresh pastry made her smile. She opened her eyes. Breakfast awaited her on the nightstand, and a fresh-cut red rose rested in a glass of water.

Howard sat in the chair in front of her, and he wore nothing but his blinding smile and black cotton boxers. "Good morning."

Jackie yawned and stretched in bed; her muscles were pleasantly tired after everything they had done last night.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

She rested her cheek on her hand. "If you only let me sleep."

He chuckled. "I just did what you asked me to do. And now, wake up. The classes will start soon."

Right, the classes would start today, which meant that Elisa must come back last night. Today Jackie would see her, and she wasn't sure what to say.

"I know what you are worrying about," Howard said.

Jackie flinched. "Do you?"

"Of course. I can read body language, remember?"

She rolled onto her belly, preparing to hear his version. Interesting, would he ever be able to understand her?

"Walter," he said.

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Howard, please. I thought we closed this subject!"

"But still, you are aware." Howard narrowed his eyes. "I know you don't want to discuss it, but Jackie, this morning I found this."

He took the massive book from the coffee table and showed the cover, The Book of Gifts.

"Don't tell me you woke up so early to read it." Jackie laughed.

"Just the chapter with Mind Reading Gift."


"There is a way to get to your memory through the third person," Howard explained. "We can make a ritual of three people and see what happened on that day when you met a mystery man. We just need to find that third person for the ritual, someone you trust."

"Like whom?"

"I think of Elisa."

She took a cup of coffee and took a sip, thinking about a proper excuse. "Howard, my Gift has limits, and it doesn't work with people if love is involved."

"Right, I won't be able to read you, but still, I can be a connector for the third person."

Jackie bit her lip. The love triangle was all she needed now. Of course, the ritual wouldn't work because of Elisa, but Howard should never figure it out. Then she must find another excuse. Shit, how long can I keep this secret from him?

Howard cleared his throat. "I can always ask Theo."

Jackie shook her head. "The last thing I need is another man digging into my brain."

"Of course." Howard looked at the window, where the sun shone brightly. His hair grew up and became messy again, but he wasn't the same young man she had met last year. Something in him changed, or maybe it was just her.

"Don't get mad," she said in a silky voice, "I see how you are trying. Just give me more time, okay?"

"Can you believe we will see everyone today?" Howard asked, changing the subject. "What would they think of us as a couple?"

"Can we just hide here, in this room?" She suggested.

Howard arose and sat on her bed, his finger touching her neck. "You are so beautiful, Jackie. I wish this morning would never end."

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