Chapter 6. The Truth from The Underground

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In the morning, Jackie stood at the chief's office, fully ready. Walter was already inside, receiving the instructions. She pressed her ear to the door but couldn't hear anything – probably the room was protected from overhearing with the Muting spell. Disappointed, Jackie walked to the window. Right on time. Because the door opened, and Walter walked into the corridor. His hand clenched a folded piece of paper.

"What's that?" Jackie asked.

"A warrant," he said. "Do you remember that mission you failed with your flame friend?"

She nodded. Since that day when she and Theo had scared the criminals away, no one could find a single trace of the fighting clubs and the drug dealers, at least not in Middle Lake. So, everyone assumed they went to the ground, waiting for the right moment to start the business again.

Walter put the paper in his pocket. "We are going to the new club. An accident happened there last night, and it's a big chance that the owner knows the criminals."

"I hope I won't screw up this time." She joked.

Walter grinned. "It's just a regular check, not an undercover job."

"All right then."

They walked along the corridor. Before leaving, Jackie glanced back. Trevor stood at the threshold with his arms crossed on his chest, his blue eyes piercing her like two shards of ice. The goosebumps covered her skin. Yesterday Jackie promised to solve the problem with Walter, and she did it. And from now on, she must be careful.

* * * * *

The new club was bright and spacious, maybe because it was closed and there were no visitors but them. Tall but narrow windows let the sunlight in. Multiple night plants climbed up the tall pillars. Now these flowers were sleeping, and all the buds were closed. At the end of the hall, there was a small stage with a couple of chairs, probably for the musicians.

"Look." Walter pointed at the kitchen door.

A red-bearded man in a black suit walked up to them.

"That's the owner," Walter said quietly. "Try to read him when it's a proper moment."

"Got it."

The man came closer and mustered a smile. Jackie could bet he was hiding something and probably wiped all the traces that could lead them to the criminals. However, he did not know about her mind-reading Gift, which gave her an advantage.

"Detective Mills." Walter introduced himself. "And this is my colleague - Cadet Robinson."

"I was always bad with names," the man said indifferently. "Let's make it easy. Call me Joe."

"All right, Joe." He nodded. "We are here to make a quick check."

"Why? Your colleagues were here yesterday because there was a little fighting; they handled it quickly."

Walter took the folded paper roll out of his pocket and gave it to Joe. "Here is the warrant. We think this accident might be connected to one of our old cases."

The man shrugged his shoulders. "Check whatever you want."

"Great." Walter smiled. "Robinson, where would we start checking?"

Jackie looked around. "Where did this fighting happen?"

Joe gave her a weary look. "Haven't your colleagues told you? The guy went crazy and hit my new waiter at the fifth table." He pointed to the corner with the cozy sofas and coffee tables.

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