Chapter 8. Embracing the Past

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"You can't be serious!" Theo shook his head in disbelief.

Laura gave him a charming smile. "Life is full of surprises."

They stood in the hall of the dorms. It was the third day of September, and the gentle evening sun generously illuminated the space. Laura wore a bright yellow dress, and her cheerful mood made her eyes shine as she spoke. This year she took on more responsibilities in the Academy, and now she helped arrange the rooms for cadets. But her new role wasn't the subject of their discussion.

"Believe it or not, I saw them today," she said. "Urchin and Jackie arrived together this morning."

"It doesn't prove that they are a couple now."

She gave him a playful look. "Well, they have the same room. In the morning, I gave them a key."

Theo rubbed his forehead. It's been three months since they left for summer practice, but everything was turned upside down. Starting from his heartbreaking experience, finishing with his best friend Urchin dating Elisa's ex-lover.

She slightly poked his shoulder. "Seriously, you look too preoccupied. What's happened?"

"Too much information, I guess."

"Okay, got it." She chuckled. "Let's find you a room, too."

Clicking her heels, Laura went to the administrator's office. Theo followed her.

In the office, she opened a glass cabinet door and found a key. She gave it to Theo. "I'll put you together with Riley this year. He is a good guy, so you should get along."

"I appreciate that." He paused. "Wait... but what about his neighbor?"

"Simon got fired during his practice," Laura said without any remorse in her voice. "Which is not surprising. He often behaved like a jerk."

"True." He admitted. He never expected to be glad about someone's failure, but seeing Simon gone was a relief.

"How is Rei?" Her eyes widened in interest.

Theo shrugged. "Growing fast. We think I might try to fly with him soon."

"I need to hear more." Laura placed a key on the desk and pointed at the small sofa in a corner. "Let's have a seat and relax a bit. And I'll make you some tea."

Theo couldn't find any reason to object, so he obeyed. It was actually pleasant to stretch his legs after hours of riding.

In two minutes, they were on the sofa, discussing their past. They shared many good memories of last year, including the farewell party they organized together. Good that they decided to stay friends. Now, there was no pressure between them.

"We must organize something soon." Laura waved her hand in enthusiasm. "How about a picnic at the lake? We can share the memories of summer and have some outdoor fun."

"Definitely." Theo placed his teacup on his lap. "But not all the memories would be fun. Mine might go to the 'Book of Failures.'"

"Oh, no." Her brown eyes became sad. "Whatever happened there, you can tell me. I'm always by your side."

"It's just... The woman I've met."

"So, the love matter." Laura got intrigued right away. "I listen."

"I met her in Triville. She seemed to be so nice and interesting." Theo took a deep sigh before continuing. "We started seeing each other, and everything went well. I shared a lot about my work, and she always found words of support. But one day, I figured she was a liar working on the local criminal."

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