Addendum 1: Character Themes

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When I was in the process of starting this story, I had searched for a theme to go with each character I had made as well as Guardian Summer and Guardian Yang. (aside from Rosetta, Dain, and Yarah.)

For Gryphon, of course an epic version of Journey from the D2 soundtrack.

Done by Little V- Journey [Epic Version]
For Guardians Yang and Summer, I simply found metal versions of their main themes since it was supposed to signify their determination paired with the intensity of the Traveler's Light.

Red Like Roses pt. 2 [Intense Symphonic/Metal] and I Burn [Intense Symphonic/ Metal] done by FalKKonE.
For Nix Carmen, she was always meant to be the mysterious and merciless samurai who'd be the most likely person of CBSS to kill someone without flinching. I chose Mirror of the World to express her imposing nature as a skilled warrior.

Mirror of the World from Guilty Gear-
For Imperia Byzantium, she is CBSS' anchor that never fails to bring them up from low points. I chose Find Your One Way to "strike back" both literally with her semblance and figuratively at the fears of her younger self.

Find Your One Way from Guilty Gear-
For Skylar Aquamarine, she's the team's rogue element. She gets things done with the others hesitate and she controls the battle to slowly edge it to her side's favorite. I selected Play the Hero for her because she isn't quite able to escape from her past as a criminal, regardless of how hard she tries but she gives her Huntsman training everything she has.

Play the Hero from Guilty Gear-
For Shae Amethyst, she is meant to be the wronged child retuned to take revenge blindly. Her only goals are to protect her team and kill the nevermore-masked woman. I picked What do you fight for to represent inner conflict she has about hunting down her old family's killer or protecting her new family.

What do your fight for from Guilt Gear-
For Gwen Azul-Isbert, she has trouble calling herself a human despite looking the part and calling herself a Faunus despite being so genetically. I chose Love the Subhuman Self to show how she's experienced both sides of the Faunus/Human argument and has had enough of it all.

Love the Subhuman Self from Guilty Gear-
For Lux Daybreak, she wants to be the light for this dark world she's been brought to despite the evils brought upon her for simply existing. I chose Roar of the Spark to represent her want to bring light to the world.

Roar of the Spark from Guilty Gear-
Finally, For Thorned Ruby. With her newer, darker view of the world, she understands that the world must have always been on the verge of diving in such a way and Beacon's destruction lit the fuse. I chose Time to say Goodbye by FalKKonE because the normal version was gentler and represented the old Ruby.

Time to say Goodbye by FalKKonE-

Now some might wonder "Why's he telling us this now? This is the chapter we get after so long?" .

Well, wait no longer, my friends. I'm focusing on this story till it's finished.

I set up some other stories just so I could have my ideas there and waiting until I'm done with this story. I encourage you to take a peek at them while you're waiting for new chapters of The Banished Guardian.

And with all that said, see you next chapter.

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