Chapter 1: Mountain of Darkness

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-Prologue Synopsis-
Gryphon Light, a Veteran Titan and known hive scholar in similar fashion to Eris Morn, kills a traitorous Guardian that was planning to sell the Tower's defense plans to remnants of the Red Legion. When Gryphon reports this, he is put to trial for killing another guardian permanently and sentenced to exile. His final act before his exile was challenging and defeating Rhulk, The First Disciple, and teleporting the Darkness Ship out of the solar system with Vex technology.


Riven illuminated the wreck with her eye, searching for Gryphon's body. Passing around a pile of rubble, she stopped and scanned for a moment before an armored hand burst out of the pile.

Riven: Ah, there you are!

She channeled Light into his body to heal his wounds as he rose from the rubble.

Riven: Here, that armor is seriously damaged so I'll change you into your Warlock gear for now.

In a blue shimmer, the crimson red of the Titan armor was changed for black robes bearing the Trials of the Nine emblem.

In a blue shimmer, the crimson red of the Titan armor was changed for black robes bearing the Trials of the Nine emblem

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Gryphon: Do you know where we ended up?

Riven: No. According to the ship, we're somewhere on the very edge of the Milky Way.

He moved around the Raid room and noticed the corpse of the Disciple, Rhulk, crushed under large debris. His glaive was out on the open and as Gryphon picked it up, the shifting metal made it shrank to his size.

 His glaive was out on the open and as Gryphon picked it up, the shifting metal made it shrank to his size

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The Guardian let off a smile of delight. The other Guardians were definitely pissed they wouldn't be getting this loot.

Gryphon: First off, we need to find out what the planet is like. Let's go outside.

Riven appeared in front of her Guardian, causing him to stop.

Riven: Actually, there's something else we need to look at first.

Gryphon: Like what?

Riven: I detected a large living creature under the ship when we crashed. It's dormant in a cavern deep down and I could transmat us there.

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