Chapter 7: Old Vendettas

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Chapter 6 Synopsis:
Shortly after Chapter 5, Gryphon takes a moment to think in the middle of a park. A fraction of a second of tranquility that is immediately interrupted by a visit from Ozpin with Nix Carmen in tow. Ozpin offers for Gryphon to join beacon as an assistant teacher/spectator so he can learn about Remnant. When Gryphon prepares to refuse, Riven interrupted him and suggested a plan.


Apparently some kind of dance was supposed to happen today, Gryphon was taking no part in that. He needed to under the way this world worked and classes weren't helping. You know what would help? The communications tower not far from the place the dance is being held at.

Gryphon walked out into the night air. He cast a brief glance around before spotting Nix just sitting outside the venue dressed in a black and silver tuxedo. He let out a whistle to get her attention.

Gryphon: Looking razor sharp! So sharp that you should be in there dancing, not staring at the sky.

She let off a wry chuckle as she stood up.

Nix: Eh. I'm not much of a dancer. Though, something called me out here...

Gryphon: One of those gut feelings?

Nix: Yeah...

Gryphon nodded. She's smart enough not to ignore her gut. She'd make a good Guardian if it came to that.

Gryphon: I was just about to go check out the communications tower. I figured it might be able to fill in some blanks in need answered.

Nix: The CCT? That's not a bad idea, I'll come with you.

She followed behind him as he began down the road. They conversed idly until Gryphon spotted something out of the corner of his eye. A silhouette jumping from one roof to the other, heading to the tower.

Gryphon: See that?

Nix: Saw it when you did. We should hurry.

The two ran hard, hoping to reach the CCT before the silhouette did.

When they did, they found two atlas guards unconscious outside the tower's entrance.

Nix: Guess my gut was right.

Gryphon materialized a weapon into his grasp, a stasis bow constructed using Fallen technology, Black Ice.

Gryphon materialized a weapon into his grasp, a stasis bow constructed using Fallen technology, Black Ice

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"Silence is Death", a good friend once told me.

Gryphon noticed Nix simply pulling her suit's cuffs back. He gave her a smirk.

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