Chapter 8: Field Trip

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Chapter 7 Synopsis:
During the Beacon Dance, Gryphon wanted to gather more information on Remnant so he planned to leave the dance and go to the Cross-continental Communications Tower. As he was leaving the dance, he saw Nix Carmen dressed for the party but staring into the sky outside. They had a brief back and forth before Gryphon invited her to join him on his trip to the CCT. As they were walking they noticed a silhouette jumping from roof to roof and heading in the direction of the CCT, so they rushed there and found the guardsmen unconscious. Prepared for a fight, Gryphon and Nix enter the CCT and find a disguised Cinder Fall. Recognizing her despite her costume, Nix lashes out and rushes her. Nix dominated their fight and was on the verge of killing her when Ironwood arrived, distracting her and giving Cinder an opening to set of a dust explosion point blank to help her escape. Nix was badly injured, but she had a strange dream.


Nix had been released from the hospital after a few weeks. The doctors wanted to study her unnatural healing factor, but Ozpin cleared her to leave so that she could relax. There was a lot of chatter about where the new assistant teacher had disappeared to, but only she could answer.

Currently, she and her team were relaxing instead of looking for a mission assignment due to the incident with Gryphon earlier in the year.

Skylar: Man, there's absolutely nothing to do...

Imperia was doing one armed push-ups at the side of her bed, Shae in the middle of reading a book titled "The Winnower and The Gardener", and Nix stared out the window quietly.

Shae: We technically did our mission, a rescue mission.

Imperia: Lest we forget, Shae got herself kidnapped. I'm surprised Ozpin even counted that.

Nix: That's not why we're sitting here right now.

The team looked to their leader, who had a twisting cube of shadow in her hand.

Nix: It's because I used my Semblance without permission. Because I nearly killed that girl.

Skylar: The intruder? I won't pry, but I am curious.

Imperia: I assume you've met her before?

Nix: Just once. When I was younger. I'd remember that look in her eyes anywhere.

There was a tense silence from her team as heavy shadows rose from her body again before calming down. She stood up and began walking towards the door.

Nix: I need air. I'll be in the courtyard if you need me.

She left the room in silence as her team cast looks at each other. Shae put her book down and spoke.

Shae: She's been like that for two weeks. Gryphon vanished three weeks ago.

Skylar: Is he the reason why she's like that? I don't think so. He has something to do with it, but I don't think that's it.



Cinder screamed in pain. Her eyes flashed between normal and deep purple as she thrashed on the table she was strapped to. Her "friends" along with Roman and Neo cringed back as she screamed more.

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