Chapter 16: Reunions...for Better or Worse

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Raven wasn't sure what she was experiencing. Is it heartbreak? Her own daughter didn't recognize her. She didn't know what to say.

Yang's agitation grew to a point. The face of this woman made her angry for a reason she couldn't understand, only frustrating her more. Her hair burst into Solar flame and Solar gauntlets formed on her fists as she rushed Raven. She unleashed a barrage of hooked punches that Raven struggled to dodge.

Each punch thrown fired a beam of solar energy like bullet from a Six-shooter Golden Gun.

[Manifestations of Light: Log 14]
[Subject: Yang Xiao Long - Titan]
[Subclass: Solar Worldbreaker]

A specialized Solar Subclass that harnesses the memory of Yang's Aura to create a weapon she's familiar with. Her Super gets stronger with how angry she is, just like her semblance used to do.

Yang is by far one of the Strongest guardians I've met in my lifetime.
[End Log]

Raven: Wait! Dammit Yang, stop!

She should just use the Maiden's power.'s Yang. Even if she doesn't recognize her, it's still her daughter.

Raven blocked one of Yang's punches but the force of the punch blasted her into a pillar and making her spit up blood. Yang's eyes were shining with golden Light as she approached the fallen Bandit leader.

Yang: I don't know who you are or how you know me, but I know an enemy when I see one.

Yang grabbed the woman by her collar and slammed her against the wall as she lifted her up against it. Yang reeled her fist back as her hair shined brighter and a scowl crossed her face. Raven only had one card left to play as Yang's fist came forward with intent to kill.


White petals fell over them both as Yang's arm stopped in place. It was a centimeter away from Raven's face, but was stopped by Summer pulling Yang's arm back. Raven's eyes widened further when she saw Summer and Summer seemed to recognize her as well.

Summer: She's telling the truth...I remembered it all when I saw her again...

Yang: So why...why can I barely remember her face?!

Yang dropped Raven and backed off. Raven coughed as air returned to her lungs and her aura began to regenerate.

Raven: You wouldn't understand-! S-Summer, I-

Summer: Something something the weak die and the strong survive. I had plenty of time to think about it as I starved to death in Salem's castle actually. It's bad enough that my best friend slept with my husband behind my back, but you abandon his child on my doorstep and go back to your band of criminals too?

Summer's eyes began to emit the ethereal silver energy as she begins to approach Raven next, who's beginning to tear up.

Summer: I took the job from Ozpin to get my head straight, but I go and get captured and never see my children again! I'm not even fully sure how I came back to life. All I know is that the man you're trying to kill has something to do with I won't let you fight him until I get my answers.

In the blink of an eye, Raven transforms into a bird and attempts to fly to the exit when she freezes in midair by an invisible force. The Ex-White Fang Lieutenant Rosetta Corsen steps out from the shadows.

Rosetta: Got your message. What will I do with her?

Gryphon: It's not like we have any cages...tie her up and put her in my tent. Keep an eye on her too.

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