Chapter 2: The Locals

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Chapter 1 Synopsis:
The Darkness ship crashed into the peak of Mountain Glenn and has stirred up the curiosity of the denizens of Remnant. Gryphon conducted a powerful hive ritual to create a Hive Storm that defends the mountain from would be intruders. In Beacon Academy, teams RWBY JNPR and CBSS were introduced and coerced into investigating the fallen starship it midnight by team CRDL. Gryphon was working on a project when he intercepted a military transmission from an unknown source planning to investigate the mountain.


Clover was understandably uneasy, going to investigate some superstorm above a crashed alien spaceship? It was a recipe for disaster. There were so many unknowns, having Harriet and Winter along wasn't alleviating his worry.

As the dropship flew over the skies of Vale, Harriet Bree noticed the way her leader was fidgeting in his seat.

Harriet: Would you calm down? We're just going to get some energy measurements from the ground. It's not like we're going closer to the mountain itself.

Clover let out a little chuckle as he sighed.

Clover: Sure, I understand that. But, what if whatever crashed comes out to run us away from it's home?

Specialist Schnee looks over with a raised brow.

Winter: Scared of monsters?

Clover: Only the ones I've never seen before...


Three of CBSS' members walked through the night streets of Vale, heading towards the bullhead landing pads.

Nix: Neither of you have seen Skylar since lunch today?

Shae: Yes, it's beginning to worry me.

Imperia: She told me she was going to get some air last time a saw her.

As a good leader should be, Nix was concerned. Skylar has been prone to disappearing like this ever since they were first brought together as a team, but she would usually tell everyone where to find her then. She's been doing this more and more often since the talk of some famous criminal being in the city.

Turning a corner at the edge of the sidewalk, CBS sees CRDL with RWBY, JNPR, and Skylar. They were all immersed in a conversation until Imperia gave a loud whistle that gained their attention.

Ruby: Oh! Hey guys, look who we found. Apparently Skylar got here before anyone else!

Nora: She was obviously excited to see Aliens! Why else would she be down in Vale by herself with all of the criminals around at night?

Nix: Why indeed...

Cardin: Alright, if you nerds are done, we only paid the pilot enough Lien to take two teams.

Most of the teams seem upset about this aside from Jaune, who was fist pumping.

Jaune: We volunteer to be left behind!

At this, Skylar lets out a loud sigh before walking into the bullhead. Everyone watches in confusion.

Blake: What's she doing?

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