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"You made my mom cry" she says crossing her little arms over her small chest. We pull up out side Calines school and wait.

"Look kid I'm sorry I don't mean to"

"I k ow your not a bad man even if you act like one" she says getting out of the car just as cali e walks out of the building.

"Tory what are you doing here your supposed to wait in the library for me to come get you" she says searching Vic as if she was hurt.

"Dad came to get me" fucking again with that word dad.

"Dad" Caline says looking up.

"Oh for fucks sakes Knox" she grabs onto Vic's hand and starts walking away.

"Come on Cel please let me take you guys out to eat so we can talk" she stops and turns around.

"Now you want to fucking talk? You have two ducking weeks to talk but know you fucking ignored me now what you want me to believe your bull shit sorry Knox but I can't deal with your ducking bipolar mood swings"

I don't care that we're in a parking lot full of dump fucks I need her to how much I want her in my life. "When I was 10 my mother locked me in a closet for a week because she could stand to look at me" she stops walking and just stands there so I walk closer to her.

"The first time my father ever beat me was when I was 8 because I had made to much noise and he was hungover" she turns around now looking at me with glossy eyes.

"I'll give you a hour Knox and that's it" she says walking past me and her and Vic get in the car.

We order our food and drinks then sit down at a small table and let Vic play while we talk.

"Caline I fucked up again I get that but it's hard for me to let you in"

"You think it's easy for me Knox because it's not. We come from similar life styles we both had fucked up lives Knox but I don't let my past push people away or hate the ducking word" I understand what's she's saying but it's not the same no matter how much are lives where similar.

"I'm going to make this simple for you Knox this is my life now" she says pointing to Victoria "You can choose to be with us or forget us but this hot and cold bull shit needs to end. You need to talk to me let me in even just a little bit. The moment I feel you pull away is the moment I will say fuck you and never look back got it"

"I told you once that I'm not perfect and it's true Cel I'm not this" I say pointing to Vic like she did "Wasn't part of my plan but I know that she's now a part of you. Cas told me that every dark place needs and light and you Caline" I take her hand in mine "Are that light for me" I lean over the table and kiss her. The kiss is slow and feels right.

Pulling up outside of Caline's house I see Cas pulling up behind me.

"Hey you" he says picking Vic up tossing her over his shoulder then he comes over to Caline and gives her a side hug. I don't like it but they've become good friends so I guess it's also something I'm going to have to get used to.

"Hey Cas guess what" Vic says as he puts her down in the living room.

"Whats up little one"

"I've got a daddy now" she smiles and runs off to her room and Cas turns looking at me I shrug and walk off to the kitchen.

My phone starts ringing so I answer it.

"Hey buddy" I freeze tightening my hand around my phone.

"What the fuck do you want. How the fuck did you get my number"

"Well I asked around and seems to me you've been doing good I'm proud of you buddy" I watch Cas and Caline walking to the kitchen laughing about something but they both stop when they see my face.

"I'll ask you one more fucking time what the fuck do you want old man" Caline comes over and wraps her arms around my waist and I feel myself relax a little bit now understanding what Cas meant by feeling human.

"Show some respect boy" my father growls through the phone and I feel myself tense back up.

Caline starts rubbing my back with her hands under my shirt "Respect I have no respect for you. Now what the fuck do you want" I say venom dripping of my words.

"Your mother died last night she overdosed" he hangs up and I stand there with my phone still up to my ear wondering if I heard him correctly.

"Hey look at me what's wrong" Caline asks placing both her warm hand on my face pulling me so I'm looking down at her.

"My mother oded" she leans up and gives me a soft kiss and I find myself wrapping myself around her for comfort.

My mother may have been a druggy and a whore but she was still my mother. Rabecca wasn't always a bad mother I remember when I was 8 she took me out for ice cream and then we went to the movies.

It wasn't until I turned 10 that she started beating me like my father.

"Do you want to go to her funeral" Caline asks softly pulling away from me just a little bit.

"What the fuck would I want to go to pay my respects to some dead beat bitch" I push Caline away a little ruff and start walking out the house which her right behind me.

"Don't push me away Knox please" I ignore her and walk over to my car "FINE KNOX BE A LITTLE BITCH FUCK YOU KNOX" she yells storming back in the house and once again I fucked up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you dude" Cas says standing beside my car.

"I don't fucking know anymore man" I say getting in my car heading to the one place I know I can fucking let out all my frustrations.

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