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I see her hands shaking after hitting her dad with the gun. John's words ring through my head reminding me of my own father. I place my hand on hers and bring it closer to her dad's head but she looks up at me with teary eyes the says she can't breathe. " Cas get her out of here now" I recognize the signs of a panic attack and manage to grab her before she hits the ground. I pick her up and hand her over to Cas.

Cassius takes the girl outside and to the car while I finish up. "See what I mean she's fucking worthless stupid fu-" the hole in his head shuts him the fuck up. The men finish putting the money in the bags and we exit the house I direct the men to take the money to the wearhouse then get in the car and sit next to the girl.

"Please don't kill me" her words effect me more then they should but I don't say anything I remain quite the whole drive back to the house.

Pulling up I get out followed by Cas who helps the girl out. I walk in and head straight to my room and slam the door shut and flop down on my bed starring up at the ceiling.

I don't know why but I feel connected to this girl, she's to innocent for this life I mean fuck I'm a killer, I kill people for the hell of it I feel no remorse.



"I guess you can stay here for the night" I tell the girl who's standing there with her head down.

"I'm Cassius by the way and that was Knox he's not much of a people person" she nods her head but didn't say anything.

"What's your name"

"Caline" she softly says

"Okey Caline follow me and I'll show you to a room" I head down the hall past Knox's room and mine then come to a stop outside a guest room. I open the door and wait for her to step in before closing the door behind her.

I walk back to Knox's room and knock before going in, he's laying on his bed just starring at the ceiling.

" Hey man you alright" I ask and sit in the chair next to the window.

"Yeah man in fine why" he turns and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I think about my next words because I want to see his reaction I saw the way he looked at Caline back at her house and the panic that flashed through his eyes when she had her panic attack so to test my theory I say.

"So you think I've got a chance to hit that before she goes" I see his jaw clench and tick.

"I mean she's cute and all but she's only good for a quick fuck" he jumps up so fast grabbing the collar of my shirt and in a menacing tone says.

"Stay the fuck away from her Cas I'm warming you" I pull his hand off and start to laugh he just stands there looking at me. Once I've controles myself I say.

"I fucking knew it man I saw the way you looked at her you have a thing for her"

"Shut up man she's just an innocent girl who had a fucked up life she'll be gone tomorrow anyways" he brushes it off but I know him well.

"Look man Caline is a nice girl but she doesn't belong in our world this life style isn't for her she's to innocent like you said. I know you man I seen it in your eyes when she had that panic attack you like her but you need to just forget her okey man" I pat him on the back and leave his room and head towards mine I hear the faint sounds of crying coming from Caline's room but ignore it.

She'll be gone tomorrow it's for the better.

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