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"Cel I know Knox is a ducking piece of work but he didn't have a easy fucking life" Cas says and I turn to look at him as we come to a red light.

"I didn't have a ducking easy life to Cas and you don't fucking see me acting like a bitch" well I am now and I know it.

"True" he says pressing the gas as the light turns green "Cel just Knox is well Knox he's not a easy person but for the first time in the almost year I've known him he was smiling like actually smiling not that creepy as shit he does" he shivers a little before laughing "And I've never ever heard that fucker laugh the way he did with you earlier"

Cas pulls over and I see where I'm front of my house. I open the door and step out leaning back into the car "Cas I really do like him and want to be apart of" I motion all around "This what ever it is but I can't if he's not willing to just never mind like you said Knox is Knox over time he'll open up I hope"

Waving bye as he peels away I head inside and change into something comfy. I grab a soft fuzzy blanket and curl up on the couch putting on some random show and fall asleep.

I jump awake by the sound of load banging on the door cautiously and with small carful steps I make my way over to the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR CALINE" Knox what the fuck is he doing here.

Swinging the door open he falls to the floor in front of me and I hurry to get him up and to the living room.

"Don't move" I say rushing down the hall to bathroom grabbing the very well stocked first aid kit and rush back to him.

"Hey open your eyes Knox" he doesn't open them so I slap him hard across the face he jolts awake with a hard glair.

"What the fuck was that for" I shrug and start taking think out of the kit to stitch him up.

Helping me pull his shirt up and off I get a nice view of his hard body, he has well toned abs and a nice chest but I can't really see everything due to the blood.

"Fuck Knox" I breath out starting to clean a few of his wounds but seeing that there's so much blood I tell him to go get in the shower to wash off the blood before I can stitch him up and get a better look and how bad he's hurt.

Knox try's to get up off the couch but stumbles so I help him down the hall to the bathroom. Turning on the shower he steps in with his pants and shoes still on pulling me with him.

"Knox" I say in shock as he pulls me close to him. Getting the hint I wrap my arms around him carefully then after a few seconds pull away and start washing away the blood.

Once he's clean enough I turn off the water and grab a clean towel leaning him against the sink.

"I'll be right back" I step out dripping wet stoping water on the floor as I walk back out to the living room to grab the kit and walk back almost slipping on the way. Reminding me I'm going to have to mop.

Placing the kit on the counter I once again pull out a few things and start checking all of the wounds.

"It looks like there all through and through because all the holes I'm assuming are from bullets have a exit wound" I say stitching them all up placing antiseptic cream and gaze on them.

I hand him two pain killers and help him to the guest room.

"Thank you"he says closing his eyes. I close the door behind and hear a phone ringing in the living room.

There on the couch is a black cell phone covered in blood. Picking it up I see Cas flashing on the screen and answer k owing that he's calling to check on Knox and would worry if he didn't answer but then again Knox is the type of person to probably ignore people.

"Hey Cas"

"For fucks sake"

"He's okay he showed up covered in blood. I got him cleaned up and he's asleep right now"

"Thanks Cel I'll come get him in the morning. Can you do me a favor"

"Depends on the favor" he chuckles on the other end.

"Go put the car he drove and make sure that fucking idiot turned it off and took the keys or even ducking parked right" laughing I do as he asked and walk outside to see the car parked on my front lawn with the drivers door open and the engine running.

"He park on my ducking lawn and left the shit running" Cas starts laughing saying he can believe it. I get in and back the car up off my lawn and park it in the driveway, turn it off take the keys pressing the button the dots lock a beep rings out then head back inside.

"Thanks Cel I'll see you in the morning try to get some sleep" I hang up the phone and walk back into the guest room seeing Knox now asleep on his stomach. I place his phone and the keys o. The small bedside table and walk back out of the room to mine.

As I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep my bedroom door opens and Knox comes over to my bed and gets in behind me.

"Knox what" she nuzzles his face into the back of me neck and wraps his right arm around my waist.

"Shh just go to sleep" he pulls me closer and I close my eyes enjoying the way his body feels against mine.

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