Chapter 38: Your God....Has Arrived

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*After the show*

Drake: Wow that was awesome.

Lexi: It really was.

Daikon: Thanks, I'm glad it was. I was a little nervous about it all.

Lexi: I didn't expect it. When did all this happen?

Daikon: Uh, last week. The only ones who knew were Windham, Drake and Mark. We wanted to keep it a surprise.

Lexi: It was definitely surprising. So I thought you were retiring?

Daikon: I was. But uh after what happened with Diana, I realized that time is short, we don't know when life could end and I'm in my prime so might as well do it and have one last run. And I will. For Diana and for me.

Lexi: That's nice.

Daikon: And I'll have time to spend with Rebecca.

The three chuckle.

Drake: So you two are dating?

Daikon: Yeah. And it's going good. Speaking of, I told Rebecca I'd meet her for dinner. I'll see you guys later.

Daikon leaves as Lexi and Drake watch him go.

Lexi: Back to the hotel?

Drake: Yeah.

Lexi and Drake kiss and then leave for the hotel.

*Time Skip*

The show begins after the opening song and pyro as the crowd was chanting "Daikon Black." after he made his debut last week to join the ministry of Harvest.

Now everyone was wondering what he'll do next now that he has arrived.

Suddenly the tron starts staticing as blood goes down it as it cuts to the cornfield where we see Drake, Daikon, Alexa and James standing.

Daikon starts laughing as he holds up a scythe.

Daikon: These so called mortals, they are the same type that unfortunately has to go against me. And they couldn't face their maker because they're cowards. They hide behind the more respectful mortals, they even laugh in my face, feeling victorious-

Daikon pauses for a moment before continuing.

Daikon: When in reality, it's only to coup with the fear in their souls. And that leads me to Bray Wyatt.

The crowd boos.

Daikon: You call yourself.... The eater of worlds. But you should know, Wyatt. That I am the world. I rule this world. These people, you call your buzzards, but really they are my disciples and they follow me, their Dark Messiah, to the utopia you never gave to the lonely souls wondering aimlessly around. Which is why....the Ministry of Harvest is not just an idea, it is not just a belief, it is..... Divine.

Daikon laughs as he slams the scythe into the ground.

Daikon: And then there's the laughter, the laughing that YOU! have done to me. Not just you, Bray but everyone in the locker room who laugh at me. They laughed when they thought I'd retire, as if I had nothing left to show but I do. Unfortunately for them, god has not retired, he hasn't given up bringing about the next big bang.

Daikon chuckles.

Daikon: But first, we must deal with you, Bray. Your laughter drives me, it consumes me, but why? Why laugh? I know. I know the answer. You laugh at ME! because you hide the fact that you know.... that Sister Abigail is my little plaything and that infuriates you.

The crowd oohs as Daikon pauses and then snaps his fingers as a whole bunch of crows start surrounding them.

Daikon: So what's left? What is left to say? Other than GOD has arrived and he's been resurrected and you should most certainly RUN!

Daikon starts laughing, like the joker with a big smile on his face which scares the crowd.

Just then Daikon stops laughing as he smirks at the camera and snaps his fingers as blood goes down it.

The crowd and commentators we're officially scared by Daikon's warning for Bray Wyatt and what that meant for the other superstars.


Everyone was still terrified of Daikon's message to the superstars and more importantly Bray Wyatt as they didn't know where and when he'd show up, but still the show had to go on.

Earlier Daniel announced that Alexa Bliss would defend the smackdown woman's champion in a steel cage match next week against Becky Lynch, while he also announced that next week on smackdown AJ Styles would return to address The Undertaker.

The Wyatt Family were now defending the smackdown team champions against The Alpha Academy.

After a miscommunication between American Alpha, Bray takes advantage as he hits a sister Abigail on Chad Gable.

He then goes for the cover as the Ref counts to three and the Wyatt Family are announced as the winners.

American Alpha leave as the Wyatt Family stand in the ring as Bray raises his arms and laughs.

Just then the lights go out as a deep dark, scary voice is heard which everyone knew it was Daikon.

Daikon: Your Ministry has arrived! Hehehehehehhhahhahahhaha.

Just then the lights come back on as Drake and Daikon are standing together on the apron and down below sounding the ring there was James and Alexa wearing black robes and two others in robes with masks on and they were surrounding the ring.

Mauro: Oh no! It's the ministry. There here along with Daikon Black who shocked the world last week.

David: And they aren't alone either. There's two men in masks.

Mauro: But who are they?

Bray starts laughing as he holds Luke and Randy back as Daikon starts speaking into a mic.

Daikon: This new face of fear is just bullshit, Bray. I've said before and I'll say it again, you are beneath me. See you stand there with your so called family, family, right? They do what you ask. Randy, poor Randy, a man once held to highest priority as the face of WWE. But then what happened?

Daikon chuckles.

Daikon: You were replaced. Replaced by Seth Rollins. And Luke, the potential to be a world champion. The potential to be the next big thing. But we know the truth don't we? *Points at Bray* He held you back. But look at them.

The two men in masks along with Alexa and James get onto the apron as the Wyatt Family look between them.

Daikon: Lost but found by the Harvester. The angel of death. I admit even the divine god is impressed. Tell me Luke, Randy-

Daikon starts laughing as the shivers run down everyone's spines as Daikon stops and glares at them.

Daikon: Do you wanna join a god and death? Or do you wanna be held back by him?

Randy and Luke look at each other as if they are actually thinking about it until Bray starts talking to them.

Daikon: Your ministry is waiting.

Daikon laughs again as the lights go out once they come back on, the ministry of harvest was gone.


I really hope you guys like this chapter. I had so much writers block with it.

Anyways, will Luke and Randy join the ministry of harvest?

Who were the two others in the masks?

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