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My heart beats fast against my ribcage, one of the many side effects of my raging nerves. I try to breathe through it, but it doesn't dampen down my anxiety. I fiddle with the white fabric that flows from my waist down.

"Everything alright, pumpkin?" my father asks me. He's standing beside me, both of us behind two gigantic wooden doors. I can hear the music playing through the other side softly.

"I'm fine," I sigh, "just nervous,"

"Good nervous or bad nervous?" he questions. A small smile forms on my face.

"Good nervous. Definitely good nervous,"

"Well that's good," he says with humor in his tone, "it would be a little to late to cancel everything now." I playfully roll my eyes at him, my smile growing wider.

After nearly a year and a half of planning, and stressing, today is finally the day. The day that I've been waiting for since I first laid eyes on him; even then I knew he was the one, in my heart of hearts. Joseph and I are getting married, being united as one.

Though I'm nervous beyond belief, I'm also incomprehensibly excited. I've been imagining this moment, no, dreaming of this moment for years. And now the wait is over, the day is here, and in only a few minutes, Joseph Quinn will be my husband. Three and a half years ago, in the beginning of our friends with benefits relationship (a very confusing time), I never would've believed that we would be here, in the land of my dreams, but we are... and I still can't truly wrap my head around it.

Joseph is the only person in existence that can calm me down with just his presence alone. So being without him for over twenty-four hours without being able to call or text, is hard. I mean, we've done it before, with the nature of our jobs and all. And though it was unpleasant, it wasn't as difficult was now. But with the context of today, it's understandable that it's more anxiety inducing. I'll be able to see him in a just few seconds, I remind myself.

"Are you ready?" My dad asks softly. I take a deep breath and then nod.

"More than ever," I answer.


The traditional here-comes-the-bride song plays from the speakers and can be heard from all across the room. Everyone rises from their seats as I start the walk down the isle. I never thought I would find someone that would love me as much as Joseph does, or that I would find someone I love as much as I love Joseph. But I was wrong, because right now, making eye contact with him, I feel an overwhelming amount of love emitting from the both of us.

As I near closer to him, I see the tears he's trying to hold back, and the smile that he can't. The eye contact shared between us feels so... intimate. I don't know how to describe it, but it just does. It's like in the movies when you know that the two main characters are so in love that it radiates through the screen. It shouldn't even be possible, but it just is. And that's what it feels like between Joseph and I.

I make it to the alter, the mere inches between Joseph and I feeling unbearable. Gina stands behind me, being my maid-of-honor, followed by my sister, Sadie, and Maya. A few seconds later, after the guests have settled in their seats, the officiant begins speaking.

"Welcome, friends and family," she says, "We are gathered here today to unite Joseph Antony Francis Quinn and Keira Briar Thomas in marriage... Do you, Joseph, take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

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