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The first day of filming was amazing. We didn't film all that much, but I didn't realize how much I missed being Lia and acting out scenes with the rest of the cast. After we wrapped up for the day, Matt and Ross got us all dinner. It was very lowkey and not out in public. Having the whole cast of Stranger Things together is a bit suspicious. It was nice never the less.

Filming with Joseph is honestly really fun. Our characters haven't developed into romance yet, but Eddie flirts with Lia at every given moment just to annoy her. I would be lying if I said that it wasn't only Lia that gets flustered when he does it. But I'm not interested in him. Joseph's a great friend, and that's it. Though he's very shy. I know he's like that with everyone, but I really want him to like me. I've never had a problem with people not liking me, especially after becoming a well known actress, but there's just something about him that makes it all different. But we've only been shooting for three weeks. I have a lot of time to get him to warm up to me, even though I know I shouldn't care this much. I can't help it.

"Okay, all done," Cherry, my makeup artist and hair stylist says. She's truly amazing. My makeup for the show is very light, really only to look good for the camera. My hair is usually just down, but styled so it doesn't get out of control.

"Thank you," I say, setting down my phone.

"No problem, honey," she says, starting to pack up her things.

I stand from chair and walk back to my trailer. I have at least a half an hour till they'll need me on set, and I want to get some writing done.

I've been working on this specific story for many years now. Since I was a senior in high school, actually. I've given up on it many times, but I've always gone back to it. I've almost finished, and it feels surreal.

My fingers type away at my computer, transferring the world in my head onto paper. One Day At A Time plays on the TV while I'm sitting on the couch. I've watched the show so many times, and I like to have a little background noise while I'm writing. I'm able to write for a little over an hour before I'm called onto set.

"How was you're weekend, K?" Maya asks me. She's sitting at her chair, a book open in her lap, but she's looking up at me.

"Good, I finished the book I was reading. Number eight for this year!"

"It's only March," Keery comments with a surprised look on his face. I laugh at his reaction.

"I love reading, what can I say," I shrug. Maya also laughs, placing a book mark in her book and closing it.

We're all told what to do to get ready for the start of filming. For this scene, it takes place at the Family Video Store where Lia, Robin, and Steve all work. Dustin and Max run in like mad men, and the other three have no idea what's going on. This scene was especially fun to film.

We finish acting out that scene and film a few more. Today was pure fun, but I'm afraid it will be one of the last for a while. I mean there's fun in everyday, but when we start to film for more intense scenes, filming becomes a little more difficult. But it will all be worth it, and that's what keeps me going.

"Okay! Great work everyone!" Matt says, clapping his hands, "You all did amazing! But you guys should get some rest, we have big days ahead of us from now on." we all exchange goodbyes and have small talk of our plans for tonight.

When I finally get to walk back to my trailer, it's ten-thirty and I still haven't had dinner. I feel like I'm going to die of hunger if I don't eat in the next five minutes.

I make it to my trailer and quickly shovel a granola bar into my mouth. It'll subside the hunger long enough for me to get something on the way home. I usually try to avoid fast food, but when I'm working such long hours, it's impossible.

I take a quick shower and dress into sweatpants and a sweater. I pack up the rest of my things then throw my bag over my shoulder and head out of my trailer, locking it on the way out.

I'm walking to exit the set when I bump into someone. I stagger back, trying not fall on my ass, thankfully succeeded. I look up in embarrassment to be met with Joseph. Fuck. I've managed to make a fool of myself like I always do.

"Joseph, shit, I'm so sorry," I spurt out quickly.

"I-It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was going," he says, looking down to the floor. He's never able to make eye contact with me.

"No, I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize. It's okay," he says. I nod. An awkward silence fills the air for a moment.

"How was your day?" he asks hesitantly, like he's trying to make it more normal.

"It was nice. How was yours?"

"It was fun, but also challenging. We filmed Chrissy's death scene today,"

"Wow, those scenes can be tuff,"

"What are your plans for the night?" I internally groan. I'm so hungry, but he never talks to me ever.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm very hungry. I really need to eat." I hope he doesn't think it's just an out. I really want to talk to him but I haven't eaten a meal since like one.

"Oh. I was actually heading to get dinner, if you'd like to join me. There's this really good Chinese place and it's only five minutes away,"

He's never been this friendly before. I mean, he's never been unfriendly, or anything, but inviting me to dinner? That's definitely new.

"I get if you just want to go home, I just-"

"I'd love to." he smiles at me and nods, "can I get a ride with you? I never let my assistant stay past nine-thirty." I feel way to bad. And if Gina doesn't get enough sleep, she gets mean, and that's more scary than calling an Uber.

"Of course, follow me," he says. A feeling of accomplishment washes over me as we walk to his car. I've finally gotten an in to being his friend, and I hope it doesn't shut down.

author's note
Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for getting this book to almost 500 views! I never thought that anything I wrote would get more than 10 views, so 500 is absolutely mind blowing. I hope you all are enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it. <3

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