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warnings: smut

Joseph and I haven't talked about our... arrangement, I guess you could say. We also haven't had sex since then either. We've still been together, and it's weird. It's like we don't know how to be around each other normally anymore, but we don't want to be apart.

I'm sore as hell, though. The pain between my legs is unmistakable, and I've just now stopped limping. Joseph thinks its hilarious, which I scold him for each time.

I know we need to talk about it, but right now he's out with his friend from high school. Her job is moving her to America, and she's here for an important meeting, or something. And now they're meeting for lunch.
I'll admit, I'm very jealous about it. He did say she was in a relationship, but it doesn't dampen the feeling. I can't talk to him about it though... What would I say? Definitely not that I have major feelings for him. We agreed to be friends with benefits, and that means no feelings attached. So I'll just have to push my feelings and jealousy down. I don't want to loose him. I don't know how to live without him.

I'm still at his apartment. Even though he's not here, I don't want to leave. I wander around his home, Luna looking at me from her cat tower. She has another tower in his bedroom, and many other places for her to lounge. He said he wants her to be comfortable, since it's her home to. He has framed photo's of his family and friends all over his home. There's even a picture of me and him. It's a cast photo from the first day of filming, but I'm in it, so it counts.

I find myself in front of his bookshelf, which is stuffed to the brim with different stories. I drag my fingers along the spines of the books, some worn and some that look brand new.

I pluck one off the shelf at random and carry it to the couch. I get comfortable and flip to the first page, ready to be sucked in. I didn't read the blurb on the back of the book, I want to be truly surprised of the contents of this author's world.

I get to read a few chapters before I hear the door being unlocked. It's quite an interesting story, and the writing is impeccable. Joseph has good taste.

"Hey, did you have a good time?" I put my acting skills to use as I try to make it seem like my mind is not overwhelmed with jealousy.

"Yes," he says, sitting down next to me on the couch. Luna crawls onto his lap and he smiles down at her, "it was nice catching up." my fingers tighten on the book in my hands. They only went out to lunch, that's it. I try to tell myself, but it's not working very well. The thought of him with another women makes me want to die.

"That's great. But I think we should talk," I say softly, closing the book.

"Breaking things off already?" He jokes.

"No, of course not, I mean-I just want to um, talk about what we... agreed upon,"

"Okay. What exactly about it?"

"About the rules for the relationship. I mean, not rules, but like-"

"I know what your trying to say," he finishes. I smile, happy that he knows me so well.

"One thing that's important is that if one of us starts a relationship or is interested in another person, we stop," he nods, "I want this to be an exclusive thing. Not like we're dating, but we're only sleeping with each other,"

On Set Love •Joseph Quinn•Where stories live. Discover now