Midnight Waltz

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Pairings: Regis x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None

Regis wasn’t fond of many people. He liked those who carried themselves with elegance, and admired them quite a lot. But she was an exception. Y/n— sister of Ludis Mergas— loyal and kind just like her brother. But her words never ended and she nearly always said the first thing on her mind. Not to mention how clumsy she is. She would walk into people, pillars and even trip over nothing.

She wasn’t much younger than him, but was quite the opposite of the Landegre. She was someone everyone adored and cared for. But Regis never understood exactly why. Was it because she was the youngest or because of her bubbly nature? Was it because she gave the sweetest smiles and spoke the nicest words? Or was it because she baked the best cookies or because her hugs could fill up you up with energy instantly?

Regis walked through the shelves of the Lukedonian Library, reading the titles embedded on the spine of the books. Not finding a book to match his current mood, he turned to examine another shelf, but instead, he bumped into someone.

“Oh, pardon me, I wasn’t paying attention— are you alright?” Came the one voice that Regis immediately recognized. She spoke softly, not wanting to disturb those reading.


The girl looked up, her face instantly lighting up, “Regis!”
She glanced down at his empty hands, “having trouble pick a book?”
Regis gave a nod, “I was searching.”
“Ah, how about I suggest you some books?”

Regis didn’t need help.
“I would appreciate that,” he smiled. He didn’t need help, but he would accept it from her. He wouldn’t dare refuse when she spoke so politely.

The girl’s eyes lit up as she grabbed his hand, catching him by surprise (though he didn’t mind). She began to lead him through the shelves, talking about how nice it is to share her love for reading with someone else.

He smiled as she rambled on, continuing to pull his hand before stopping before a certain shelf. She took her hand from his (making his hand feel empty and cold, but he shook that feeling off).

Y/n began to scan the shelf as she ran her fingers on the spine of the books, reading their titles.
“Ah!” She smiled as she pulled out a book. “It’s one of my favourite books! Would you like to read it?” She smiled at him expectantly, passing him the book. “I’m sure I’ll love it!”
Regis glanced at the book, mimicking the smile on her face.
“Do tell me your views once you read it!” She beamed brighter than the brightest stars.
“I will,” he nodded sliding his thumb down the title.

Y/n gave him a bright smile before skipping off.
Regis watched as she left before glancing down at the book in his hand.

“Why are you smiling that way?” Tao slid onto the sofa, glancing down at the book Regis had in his lap.
“What are you talking about?” Regis glanced up at him.
“What are you reading?” Tao asked another question not minding the young Nobel’s words.

Regis glanced down at the book, realizing that he hadn’t been reading, but was lost in his thoughts.
But Tao had lost interest at the lack of answers and so he scanned the room before selecting another target and springing off.

Just as Tao left to bother Takeo, Regis spotted Seira enter the room.
“Regis,” Seira called out for him. “Y/n is here to meet you.”
Regis nodded, getting up as he ignored the curious glances of Tao.

Regis left the mansion, finding the girl distracted by a butterfly in one of the flower bush which Frankenstein tend to.
“Y/n?” Regis called out to the girl. The girl gave a sudden yelp, falling into the flower bush, causing the butterfly to flutter off.

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