A Small Mishap Pt-2

205 9 33

Pairings: None
〔 Fem!Reader 〕
Warnings: None

"Why were you in the lab in the first place?!" Y/N sighed into her palms as she glanced at the seven children seated innocently in the car.
"We thought theses three—" Regis pointed at the three modified children, "—would be there since their rooms were empty."
"And why did you eat the cookies?" She asked, her tone polite but eyes having a flame of anger.

"Regis wanted some," Rael quickly answered, receiving a glance from both, Regis and his elder brother—Rajak.
Whether Rael was lying or not, it didn't matter. What mattered now was that Frankenstein would definitely notice something wrong.

"Master," Frankenstein sighed, putting down his phone when neither of the missing people answered their phone. "I am worried something bad must have happened."
"I am sure they are all fine," Raizel said with his usual poker face, but the words made impact on the blond. It gave him an impression that his master had an idea of the sudden disappearances, but if Raizel knew, then there would be no need to worry. Shrugging off his worries, Frankenstein decided to go ahead with his day just as planned.

"Tao..." Y/N sighed when the small hacker made the demand to watch movies. The boy crossed his arms, refusing to move from the entrance to the cinema.
"I don't understand this human concept of movies," Regis said as he stood beside Y/N. "But I am intrigued by this thing called 'Disney'."

Y/N let out a sigh, making sure the kids followed her as she bought tickets for a movie. Y/N make a headcount to make sure no one was missing as she held the popcorn. A chuckle left her lips as everyone including Seira and Rajak had their eyes wide open, examining the dark place called the cinema. Neither the modified humans, nor have the Nobles ever been to a cinema before. Y/N let them examine their surroundings before guiding them to their seats.

"If I get to do this everyday, I'm willing to remain as a child," Tao said as he skipped his way outside the cinema.
"I'm not a babysitter!" Y/N snapped, but she could see how much of a lie it was when she practically had been taking care of seven children.

Taking a moment to think about what to do for the rest of the day, Y/N leaned against a wall, the children gathered at her feet to avoid crowing the way. "We ate lunch, we watched movies." Y/N counted on her fingers, the children around her nodding. "What should we do next?"
Tao began to yell out suggestions as M-21 and Takeo refused to half of his ideas. Regis and Seira listened to his ideas as Rajak leaned on the wall beside Y/N. Rael had been unusually quiet and obedient, making Y/N glance over at him.
"Rael, do you have anything you want to do?"
Tao pouted at having been ignored, as Rael was surprised at the sudden attention received.
"I..." he took a moment to glance at Rajak, "maybe we could go to the play area as Tao said?"
"Alright," Y/N chuckled as Tao began to 'yay!' at Rael's acceptance of the idea.

"I must admit," the lady doing the face painting for Seira spoke, not removing her eyes off the drawing. "The kids you're babysitting are quite responsible."
Y/N chuckled, glancing at the six boys silently staring at the bouncy castle. The lady passed a mirror to Seira to let her examine the art done on her right cheek.

After letting a soft 'thank you' (which made the lady's heart melt into a puddle) Seira joined the others.
"How inelegant," Regis muttered but Y/N could spot the interest he stared with.
"You can all go have some fun," she said as she watched Tao immediately drag the group with him.

"I'm tired," Tao whined as he leaned onto Takeo, who was struggling to stand straight with the extra weight. Seira and Rajak silently stood beside Regis and Rael while M-21 was asleep in Y/N's arms. The poor boy was tired from the adventures in the bouncy castle. They might not be actual children, but their bodies couldn't handle the exhaustion.
"Carry me too!" Tao whined as he outstretched his arms towards her— the only adult in the group. With a defeated sigh, Y/N took Tao in her arms, making sure the others were keeping up with her.

"You all seem tired, so we should go home." She whispered, making sure not to disturb the slumber of the werewolf and the hacker who was beginning to get drowsy.
"But won't Frankenstein find out?" Rajak asked, not noticing the way Y/N nearly giggled at his child-like voice.
"He will still be at school at this hour," she answered after somehow getting a glimpse of her watch. Carrying two children at once wasn't easy.

Softly placing down the sleeping boys in the seat of the car, Y/N helped the others get inside before she drove back for home. By the time she got home, six were sleeping, while Rajak struggled to keep his eyes open. Y/N noticed Rael stirred for a moment before opening his eyes. "Are we home?"

Y/N felt her heart being attacked by the cuteness but controlled herself from scooping the little one in her arms and hugging him. If she did that, Rael would attack her after returning back to his normal self.
"Yes, we're home," she smiled at him. Y/N opened the door, letting Rajak hop out before helping Rael. Then, she proceeded to carry Seira and Regis in her hands as she glanced over to the three sleeping children. The door opposite to Y/N opened,

"I see you came back home." Y/N froze, feeling Rajak and Rael stand on both her sides. Frankenstein sent a glance at her before helping her carry Takeo, Tao and M-21.
"I think it's time for you to explain," the blond glared at the back of Y/N's head as she placed Seira and Regis on the sofa, careful not to wake them up.
"It's still early, how are you home?" Y/N asked, watching as the five sleeping children and Rajak sitting beside Rael, both staring at the adults.

"Do you expect me to pretend nothing is wrong when more than half the people in the house disappear?" Frankenstein crossed his arms, staring straight at Y/N as his dark aura flowing through the room.
Frankenstein noticed the kids stir in their sleep at the unpleasant aura. Y/N glanced back at the kids, feeling his aura fade away. 
"It was an accident," she admitted.

"Good to see all of you safely back to your normal forms," Y/N smiled at the crowd in the lab.
"If only I stayed as a kid, I wouldn't need to work," Tao whined behind Y/N's back, making her chuckle.
"But you like work, don't you?" Tao smiled at her as she glanced back at her, "of course!"

"What's this?" Frankenstein glanced at the muffin Y/N handed him after returning from the lab.
"As an apology," she smiled, hoping he wasn't angry anymore. With a shrug, he took a bite of the muffin, walking towards him room.
All eyes went on Y/N who began to laugh. "She did something to it," M-21 said, glancing in the direction of the blond's room.

"Y/N!" The girl began to laugh harder when the door to Frankenstein's doom slammed open, revealing the blond in the form of a child.
"So she finally succeeded in making him a child," Takeo held back a laugh, not wanting to be hunted down.

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I hope you liked this part ^^
I wonder what you would like to see next, do give me your suggestions!

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