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(I skipped "Extreme Measures", because there was nothing relevant to Y/N's story.)

Sam(Text): Will you come by the dojo? My dad needs help.

Y/N(Text): Of course.

You arrive at the dojo and see Eli, Miguel, Sensei Lawrence, Bert, Nate, Anthony LaRusso, Miyagi-Do, Eagle Fang, and some guy.

Y/N: Who's that?

Johnny: This is Sensei Chozen Tugundi.

Chozen: It's Toguchi.

Johnny: Right. He's going to be joining us. He and LaRusso had a fight to the death back in 1984.

Y/N: Oh...

Chozen: But we, sorted everything out.

Y/N: Well that's good... Nice to meet you.

Chozen: Hai.

Y/N: Ok.

Sensei Chozen bows down to you. You bow back.

You look around and see Robby Keene.

Y/N: Awh hell no!

You walk towards Robby.

Y/N: What the hell is he doing here?

Sensei Lawrence stops you.

Johnny: Stop! We're friends now.

Miguel: Sensei's right.

You look at Miguel confused.

Miguel: Come here.

You walk with Miguel.

Miguel: We're fine now, don't hate him.

Y/N: What happened?

Miguel: We fought it out.

Y/N: You "fought it out?"

Miguel: Yeah, we're all good. Besides, we have to like each other no matter what.

Y/N: Why?

Miguel: Can't tell you.

Sam: Alright guys, my dad is here. Robby?

Sam signals Robby to go with her.

Robby: Yeah.

A few minutes later

Sam opens the door and walks out with Robby, Amanda, and Mr. LaRusso.

Sam: You're not alone anymore. So what do you say, Dad? Will you fight?

Mr. LaRusso smiles and walks down the steps in front of you all. Sensei Chozen and Sensei Lawrence join him. The students of their dojos bow down to them.

The three of them look at each other and bow back.

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