Mercy, Part ll

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At a diner

Eli, Demetri, Moon, and Aisha are in one booth, and you and Nicole are in the booth next to them.

Aisha goes on her Instagram.

Aisha: So you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory nachos! It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID.

Eli: Hey, don't talk about that. My parents follow you.

Aisha: Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz. Anyways, until next time, no mercy, bitches.

Demetri: I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party.

Eli: Yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory.

Demetri: Well, then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp. Remember? ♪ Demetri, Y/N, and Eli. Binary Brothers. ♪

Nicole, Aisha, and Moon laugh.

Eli: Hey, cool it with the nerd shit, huh?

You whisper to Demetri.

Y/N: I don't know what's got into him, don't let Eli bring you down.

Demetri nods.

Moon: Hey, where's Miguel? His wings are getting cold.

You, Aisha, and Eli find Miguel.

Eli: El Serpiente, there you are.

Aisha: This is how you celebrate a first-place trophy?

Y/N: Kind of lame don't you think?

Miguel: She blocked me.

Eli: So, what happens when you get blocked? You counter-punch. Except maybe don't actually hit her this time.

Y/N: Dude?

Eli: What, too soon?

Y/N: Yeah.

Eli: Look, all I'm saying is don't give up.

Miguel: It's no use. I blew any shot I had with her.

Aisha: Just give Sam some time. She'll come around.

Eli: Or she won't. You're the champ now. You can get any chick in the Valley you want. You're like Drake. Enjoy it.

Miguel: I'm not sure I wanna be Drake.

Aisha: Don't worry, you're not.

Both Eli and Aisha leave but you stay.

Y/N: I was able to talk to Sam during the tournament. I told her that you didn't me to hit her, you were drunk, and so on, and so on. You might still have a chance.

Miguel: Thanks, Y/N. Can I ask you something?

Y/N: Sure.

Miguel: Why did you apologize to Robby?

Y/N: Because it was the right thing to do and what Sensei Lawrence taught us about "No Mercy", isn't right for tournaments or the real world. So I'm gonna show some mercy, but I still don't like him. I'll still be badass.

Miguel: Alright.

Y/N: Imma finish my food.

The next day at the dojo

You are waiting for Miguel and Eli to arrive at the dojo.

They show up and you walk toward them.

Y/N: Yo guys.

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