The Right Path

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(Skipped an Episode)
I skipped 'Now You're Gonna Pay' because there was nothing Y/N would do that was significant to the story.

At the dojo

Kreese: Never underestimate your enemy. Even if you think they're weaker than you, you have to stay one step ahead of them. That's the only way to guarantee a victory. Is that understood?

Cobra Kai's: Yes, Sensei!

Kreese: Good. Now let's see if you truly understand the lesson. I want you to kick this tree off the top. Red, you start.

Big Red goes up to the log and does a high kick but misses, ripping his pants.

Kreese: Pathetic. Rickenberger, show him.

Rickenberger does a very large spinning kick, but misses entirely, landing on the ground with a lot of force.

Kreese: Stop your sniveling.

Eli: I can do it, Sensei.

Kreese: Well, what're you waiting for?

Eli walks up to the log less than a foot away.

Kreese: Don't you want a running start?

Eli: Don't need one. Hiya!

Eli kicks down the wood causing the tree to smash.

Kreese: Not bad. Not bad at all.

Eli goes back to his spot and you two fist bump and then hit elbows.

Y/N: Nice.

Rickenbacker: But he cheated.

Kreese: No, he didn't. Unlike you, he did exactly what I asked him to do. If your mind is agile, so are you. That's the best way to beat your enemy. Not just with brute strength. But you have to fight smart. Do that, and you'll always come out on top.

At school

You are sitting with Nicole during lunch. Also at the table are Moon and Yasmine.

Demetri: Hey! You are ready to rock...

Demetri comes by the table with something large covered up in a sheet.

Demetri:...our earth science presentation?

Yasmine: I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk regularly.

Demetri: Hey, hey! My popularity's on the rise, while yours is steadily declining. But, uh, maybe we can meet in the middle, like a sexual Venn diagram.

Moon: So what's under the sheet?

Demetri: I'm glad you asked. Behold...

Demetri takes off the sheet to reveal a volcano with dinosaurs surrounding it.

Demetri:...what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Go ahead, and press the hadrosaur egg.

Yasmine goes to touch an egg. You notice Yasmine go for the wrong egg.

Y/N: Not that one, the ones in the nest.

Yasmine presses the correct egg and smoke comes out of the top of the volcano.

Yasmine: Not bad! My parents may not have to pay for my 'A'.

Demetri: Your parents will never have to pay for an A again whatsoever. This thing is a masterpiece. I mean, everything's to scale. And at 8,251 individual pieces, this meticulously assembled model represents the exact moment before the asteroid hit—

A soccer ball comes flying in and destroys the project.

Eli: Oh. Pfft... I'm sorry, man. Looks like my ball just got away from me.

Demetri: That took me three weeks to build.

Eli: Eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy.

Yasmine: Do you have another one?

Demetri walks up to Eli surrounded by other Cobra Kai's. You walk up with Demetri and stay on his side.

Demetri: Another week, another pissing contest. I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much.

Eli: You landed one kick. You got lucky.

Sam: Better back off, or you won't be lucky.

Eli: Like you'll start anything, princess. Why don't you go sleep with someone new and break his heart?

Y/N: Alright Eli, you've gone too far.

Sam pushes Eli.

Councilor Blatt: What's going on, Miss LaRusso? You know our physical contact guidelines. Did she enter your bubble without verbal consent?

Eli: She triggered me in my safe space.

Demetri: What? He started it by destroying my science project.

Eli: That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring toys to school.

Councilor Blatt: I don't want excuses. I just want you to respect each other.

Eli: We should stop the aggression. Micro and macro.

Sam: Oh, give me a break.

Councilor Blatt: Hey. Consider this a warning, Miss LaRusso. Pick up these Legos, someone could get hurt.

Councilor Blatt walks away.

Eli: For you pansies, no space is safe.

The cobras walk away.

Y/N: I'm sorry about that Sam, he shouldn't have said that.

Sam: It's okay.

Demetri starts picking up the legos.

Y/N: Here, let me help.

Demetri: Thanks.

An hour later

You just finished going to the bathroom as you walk back to class you pass the counselor's office and see some Miyagi-Do's and some Cobras.

Y/N: What happened?

Demetri: We were playing soccer and then a fight happened.

Edwin: Which you guys started?

The door opens, and Eli and Councilor Blatt walk out.

Councilor Blatt: Shouldn't you be in class, Mr. L/N?

Y/N: Sorry, Councilor Blatt.

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