The Moment of Truth

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Mr. Kreese: You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the '90s was a hellhole. Warlords controlled whole swathes of the city. My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up.

Eli: How many warlords did you kill?

Mr. Kreese: You keep track of every ant you stomp out?

Aisha: Woah.

Eli: Badass.

Mr. Kreese: They were outgunned, we were outmanned. I tell you...Rwanda was no joke.

Miguel: Don't you mean Somalia?

Y/N: Mogadishu is in Somalia, and Rwanda's a whole different country.

Mr. Kreese: Of course, Somalia. I've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kinda bleeds together, you know?

Johnny: Listen up! I see we've got some recruits. Everybody falls in. In neat rows and lines. Time to see what you are made of. Straighten up, ginger twins. Sorry, parents can't stay for class it's an insurance thing.

Chubby guy: I'm not a dad. I...I am here to kick some ass, sir!

Johnny: Do I know you from somewhere?

Chubby guy: Oh, yeah, the, um... I sold you the mirror. We kind of bonded and talked about rock bands.

Johnny: Look, you're a little old. This class is for teenagers.

Chubby guy: Well, I... I can take them. I'm not afraid of kids, sir. And my mom, she doesn't charge me rent so I just... I got a lot of cash to burn.

Johnny: We'll consider this a trail run. I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But, if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?

Girl: I'll take him on.

Johnny: Oh, you will, huh?

Girl: I saw your little demo at the Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. Can you fight?

Johnny: That sounds like a challenge.

Girl: I like a challenge.

Johnny: Mr. Diaz, shows little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about.

Miguel: Look, are you sure you wanna do-

Before Miguel could speak she hit him in the stomach with a kick.

Miguel: All right. Game on. Close the gap.

She tried to kick Miguel but he grabbed her leg and she fell, she got up, she tried to punch him again but he blocked it, Miguel kicked her leg and she fell again

Miguel: Don't tell me, see it coming.

The girl grabbed his waist and pushed Miguel down.

Girl: Did you see that coming?

Miguel: Maybe. My name is Miguel.

He holds out his hand.

Girl: Tory.

She grabs it and pushes him back to the ground.

Tory: With a "Y".

After class

You and Miguel head outside of the dojo to see Eli on FaceTime with Demetri.

Eli: You know what happens to snitches.

Demetri: They get immunity.

Eli: Snitches get stitches.

Demetri: I have stitches. I've got several stitches.

You look over to see that Demetri has multiple cuts and band-aids.

Eli: Don't do anything stupid, you'll regret it.

Y/N: What happened?

Eli: That pussy Demetri couldn't handle training with Mr. Kreese. He's not Cobra Kai material.

Eli leaves. You and Miguel look at each other worriedly and head inside to find Sensei Lawrence putting up paint in the back saying 'Cobra Kai Never Dies'.

Miguel: Looks good.

Johnny: I used a level this time. What's up?

Miguel: I'm a little worried about Mr. Kreese.

Y/N: My friend Demetri came in and he roughed him up.

Johnny: Demetri. He the mouthy one? Yeah, he probably deserved it.

Miguel: Look, I know you guys are old friends, but some of his stories don't add up.

Johnny: Look, John Kreese and I go way back. All right? He and I. It's complicated. The guy's got his issues, but everyone deserves a second chance. All right? There's nothing to worry about. I'm on top of it.

Miguel: Okay.

You and Miguel leave the dojo.

Y/N: Sensei Lawrence said, "Everyone deserves a second chance." That means he did something bad in the past.

Miguel: Yeah. What are you getting at?

Y/N: I still need to wait for him to prove that he has changed or that he is at least a good person. I'm not gonna trust him until he proves me wrong.

Miguel: I agree.

The next day

Johnny: The back thrust kick works like this. You step, pivot, and throw a sidekick.

Y/N: What about if your opponent attacks you from behind?

Johnny: Excellent question. Sensei Kreese, you wanna take this one?

Kreese: Certainly, Sensei Lawrence.

Y/N: You sure about this, Sensei?

Johnny: There's nothing to worry about.

Kreese: The key to this move is making your enemy think you are retreating. But just as they let their guard down, that's when you strike the hardest. Aits!

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