we meet again

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y/n pov

"y/n right? from mr brakes PE class" i nodded, she smiled satisfied with herself for getting it right.

"just put it in the kitchen rose" im guessing lizzie addresses the blond, she nods putting the box just inside the door before walking down the driveway and over to us.

"how are you y/n, you weren't in school for 2 days" rose questioned tilting her head, this question made lizzie look at me as well.

"oh i was just sick" i smiled they nodded and rose then turned to ask lizzie something and i felt really out of place. I look over their shoulders and see the street lights start to come on. "sorry to interrupt but i really should get home" i apologise.

"oh its no issue sweetheart, i hope to see you again" lizzie smiled, i nodded and waved as i walked across the road to my house. I walked in and my father was up making a sandwich in the kitchen.

"theres my little girl" he smiled with yellow teeth walking over to me. The movements were slow but he lifted a hand to my face rubbing his thumb over\my cheek. I stood frozen, he brought my head closer to him so he could kiss the crown of my head. I was stiff the entire time. He stunk of sweat and alcohol clearly he hasn't showered in days.

I took a step back from him, keeping eye contact. I nodded to him beginning to walk back to my room. When he grabbed my wrist.

"i have another night shift, there's a list of groceries on the bench i want them bought and put away by the time i get home" i nod and that's when i noticed he was wearing his yellow tradie shirt and the dark blue pants both with reflective strips.

He walks back into the kitchen putting the sandwich in a brown paper bag grabbing the last beer out of the fridge and leaving the house. After i heard his ute pull out of the drive way i walked into the kitchen looking at the list.

I could definitely not get all of these with the 20 dollars he had left. even worse there was beers and cigarettes on the list. No way a shop keeper would sell them to me. I stuffed the note in my pocket walking back to my room.

It was small and simple, a bed pushed into the far corner 3 posters above it next to my window. A small box of draws and a laundry basket. I sat on my bed taking out my sketch book once again and trying to finish the project.

A couple hours later and i figured no one really would be out at the shops so i put my shoes back on take the money and lock up the house. With my bag on my back and bike in my hands i start to ride the opposite direction to where i went earlier and down towards the servo which had a connected grocer. Shoving my bike into the bike racks i grab the paper from my pocket and see where to start.

I nodded to the employee by the entrance and start down the first isle. With a basket in my hands i grab most things on the list calculating the price in my head as i go.

Now this is the part i was waiting for i walked up the register passing all the items over as the chick scanned the items.

"and uh, 6 pack of beer and 32 pack of durrys" i add casually, it was 9pm i didn't expect the employee to care that much.

"you got ID kid" they challenge. Fuck.

"its not for me its for my dad" i told them hoping they would just let me buy it. To which they just raised an eyebrow instead.

Elizabeths pov

"your mum will be here in about 15 minutes rose. Im just going to grab some things from that shop down the road" i tell rose who was now sitting on my couch watching greys anatomy after a full day of helping me. I was paying her of course plus she was cheaper than scarletts help.

"okay liz, can you get me something from the bakery there" she asks politely. I nodded and grabbed my keys walking out to my car.

Looking up the directions on my phone, i follow them to a small grocer. Parking my car i see a bike just outside the doors meaning it wasn't completely empty.

I walked in heading straight to the snacks isle to grab a packet of corn chips for scarlett. i grabbed a dip and crackers for myself. I walked to the back of the store to the freezer and fridge section looking for hot wings, scarlett and rose love them. I grab a packet of wedges to tired to prepare actual food. I close the glass door before walking up to the glass window full of sweet treats.

I grab something i figured rose would like. I've known her since she was born after all. After that i start to walk over and move to get behind whoever was in line when i notice it was y/n from earlier. I wonder what shes doing here, i don't see a parent or anyone else in the store.

"and uh, 6 pack of beer and 32 pack of durrys" she added casually as the employee finished scanning the items. Why does a 14 year old need alcohol and cigarettes.

"you got ID kid" they challenge back probably dealing with this a lot.

"its not for me its for my dad" she told them. To which they just raised an eyebrow. Why were her parents sending her out to get this stuff. She's probably 14 if shes in roses class and it's a school night.

"yeah not happening kid" once the cashier said this she looked completely deflated and almost scared.

"oh there you are, you know how your father is with this stuff" i laugh standing behind y/n putting my hands on her shoulders. She flinches and looks up at me before looking at me wide eyed and shocked.

After i showed up the employee grabbed the stuff and put it in her bag handing it over to y/n to pay. y/n then stood off to the side waiting for me to finish up before we left the store together.

"thank you really" she says the second we leave.

"no its fine i just have 1 question" i turn towards her. she nods so i continue "why are you out to get this stuff so late at night"


second chapter besties

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