•"Her Perspective"•

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My boyfriend cheated on me.

I don't know why he did it, but my guess is because he got bored of me.

I'll admit that I'm not the most exciting person there is, and my boyfriend had always been the adventurous type.

I found out that he's been cheating on me through a mutual friend of ours a month into this endeavour.

I'll admit, at first I was heartbroken.

Whenever he comes home late or the next day, I would always think that he was out with his mistress.

It ruined my self-esteem and my view of my self-worth.

It ruined my confidence and made me doubt everything I thought I knew.

Initially, I only kept up my act of knowing nothing out of fear he would break up with me.

I loved him, so in turn, I kept this secret close to my chest until I finally knew what I wanted to do.

It took me weeks of reflecting to get to this.

I wanted to make him regret everything.

I want him to feel an overwhelming amount of guilt that would flood his brain until his very last seconds on this miserable heap of rock.

I continued my facade around him until a clear plan has been formulated in my head.

I would smile and kiss him lovingly whenever I get the chance.

I continued to make him dinner even though I knew he won't be coming home that night and even continued writing love notes with his breakfast every time he comes home.

It made me a little sad when I see the notes in the trash.

3 months into my plan, I came home unexpectedly early because I “forgot something”.

When I opened the door to our bedroom, I walked past our bed where my boyfriend and his mistress lay.

I pretended not to see her and went straight to my closet to get the bracelet I intentionally left behind.

When I turned to face my boyfriend, I saw his face turn pale in fear.

I smiled at him and said, "don't mind me, dear! I just forgot something so I came back to get it!" Before I went on my merry way.


After that, not much has changed. Or at least, that's what he thinks.

Since that day, I called up (2) and asked her to meet me.

I shared my plans with her, and she was quick to agree. Saying how much she loves my boyfriend and would do anything just to have him.

I wanted to punch her or shove my engagement ring down her throat.

But, alas. I had to keep my cool. It'll all be over soon anyway.

These past few months have made me lose my love for him.

I don't particularly hate him though. I just, don't care for him anymore.

If he thinks that I'm someone dispensable, then so is he.

Never in my life would I have ever thought that I would do this. And yet, here I am.

Slowly, I started detaching myself from him.

Starting from the love notes. I stopped writing them.

And then I decided to attend more and more parties and get-togethers with my friends, leaving our house as often as possible.

And the meals I've made him became simpler and simpler until eventually I stopped cooking for him and would instead just order.

That's when (2) and I discreetly started switching my things with hers.

It started from something as simple as my keychain until we've completely switched wardrobes. During this time, he finally stopped hanging out with (2) and began taking me out on more dates.

It took me a year to get to this point.

After months of planning and communicating with my friends and our mutual friends to help me with this plan, the day has finally arrived.

Our last date, and the last time he'll ever see my face.

My ex-boyfriend is a heavy sleeper.

After an hour of him closing his eyes, I got up from his bed and called (2).

By now, all my things were already in her apartment and ready to be moved to another location.

(2) and I made one last switch.

So as she lay beside him on their bed, I walked away with yet another secret to keep.

A secret he'll never know or meet.

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