📖+🌦️|Bloom [IrePhil]

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[M/Ireland x F/Phila]
~Sidestory + soft angst~
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-Soft angst
-Unintentional kidnapping

-Part two of "Faerytale"
-This ship is only valid because of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken(2)
-The Kingdom of Plantae has 5 different clans each ruling a separate kingdom. And each clan is based off of the continents. I know that there are 7 continents, but I didn't include Antarctica and just considered North amd South America as one continent.

"Thallophyta = Europe",

"Bryophyta = Oceana/Australia"(this will inlcude the Pacific islander countries.),

"Pteridophyta = Africa",

"Gymnosperms = America", and lastly

"Angiosperms = Asia".
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On the first day of spring, Ireland came back to the meadow where he first met the fae at the exact same time. He waited for hours, only for her to be absent.

The next day, he tried again. He went to the meadow at the exact same time and waited once again, hoping that the princess would show up for their deal, only for him to be disappointed once again.

A few days later, Ireland came back once more. This time losing hope and losing patience. He waited for two hours before calling out to the princess. "IF YOU DON'T SHOW UP THE DEAL IS OVER."

Ireland doesn't even know why he wants to see the fae again. But she's all he could think about during winter and would often find himself smiling at the thought of her.

Ireland sat down under a tree, the same tree where he held her. Ireland sighed and leans back on the trunk, basking under the rays of moonlight, eventually falling asleep from waiting too long.

Unbeknownst to Ireland, the kingdom under the meadow, and the faes living in it, could hear him. Especially the girl he's been directing those words to. Phila sighs as she goes through another round of scolding from her parents after putting her little sprout to sleep.

Her parents reminded her that faes were never meant to have any sorts of physical interactions with the humans above. Much more have intercourse with them that would result to a seed being planted(metaphorically). Other clans from the kingdom of Plantae has heard about the scandal and could only snicker at the royal family of the Angiosperms clan.

Yes, Phila's family aren't the only ruling monarchs in the kingdom. There are 5 different clans, all of which have their own monarchy system. Phila's clan is called the Angiosperms. And her fiancé's clan is called the Gymnosperms. There are also the Thallophyta, Bryophyta, and the Pteridophyta clans.

Her fiance is the first born prince of the Gymnosperms, many would consider him charming, intelligent, and collective. But could also be a little bit of a control freak and a perfectionist, in which Phila didn't like at all. Which is why she snuck out and disobeyed fae protocol and interacted with Ireland.

The next day, Ireland woke up with still no signs of the princess. Giving up, he groggily stood up from the ground and went home as the sun started to rise. Unknown to him that the grass beneath him tried to grab him after he stood up, trying to make him stay.

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