🔞 + 🔗|Stay [SpainPhil] (C.O.P CUT SCENE)

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[M/Spain x F/Philippines]
•Stay (C.O.P. cut scene)•
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-This is a cut scene from my book Children of The Philippines.

-Takes place in the early 1800s.

-They're speaking in Spanish

-Spain is a possessive hubby.
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I pace back and fourth, she's supposed to be here four days ago.
"Mijo, calm down and stop pacing. Your children are becoming dizzy from watching you walk back an forth." I immediately pause and look at Antonio and Elena who were just staring at me.

I immediately felt guilty since it looked like Elena was about to pass out from dizziness. I sigh and picked her up. "This isn't the first time she's gotten home late. There could've been a hold up on her way back. Like an ambush or a raid that she has to fight back." I sigh. I hate it when my father makes sense.

"You're not her husband so you don't know how it feels to be nervous and worried. What if she cheated on me?!" Father laughs and makes a finger a gun "then I suppose that you know what to do when that happens" he grins and fires the figurative finger gun.

My eyes widened as I felt my soul leave my body. The memory of him executing my mother with a firing squad filled my mind. I took a step back and immediately left the room with Elena. Wait, where's the other one?, I look behind me to see the door slowly closing, and I saw Antonio in there with father, looking back at me as the door slowly closes. I sigh and carried Elena to her room after she fell asleep in my arms. What an angel.




Night came, I was just smoking in the balcony and I saw a few horses and carriages arrive. I perked up and immediately ran out of my room and down to the grand hall. I almost tripped on the stairs a few times, but I didn't care. I ran as if I was being chased by a wild beast.

Once I reached the doors, I immediately opened it and hugged the girl that was about to get off of the horse. Not caring about the other wounded soldiers at all. "I'm sorry it took me so long. We were ambushed." She said. I sigh and began pulling her back inside. She followed behind me like a puppy. "How are Antonio and Elena?" She asks.

Seriously? That's what you're worried about? Not the fact that I've been losing my mind for the past 4 years trying to wonder if you were still alive?, "They're okay." Philipia nodded, "as expected. I've taken the impression that you're taking great care of our children?" She asks and I nodded.

"How have you been? Have the Frenches been treating you right? Did you gain any injuries? Were there any treaties and deals that were made?" I asked. "I've been treated kindly by the nobility of the Frenches. I've gained a few but by now they've already healed. And my reports for the past four years were as follows. I hope you read all of them." I nodded once again before pulling her inside our room and locking the door behind us as I pull her into a tight hug.

She returns the hug, but it was nowhere as tight as mine. "I read every single one repeatedly." I whispered. Philipia nodded, "good. Your father and I exchanged letters for the past four days and next year I'll be visiting I-" I tighten my embrace around her "no." I interrupted.
"Why?" I shaked my head and pull myself away from her as I held her by her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes. She looks back into mine, like always there were no spark in them.

"You're supposed to be here with me. Stay here with us. Our children barely even see you. Elena barely even acknowledges you as her mother! Mi amor...stay.. por favor?" I plead. Philipia shakes her head "but you heard what your father said when we got married. My duty is to the empire now." I scowl, pushing her to the door, she doesn't wince or have any sorts of reaction.

I wrap my hands around her neck, but I don't squeeze or press on it, just gently holding it in my hands as I lean forward to whisper. "And what about your marital duties to me, huh?" Philipia raises a brow, "what do you mean? I've been doing them correctly, have I not?" I tighten my hold around her neck. "Whenever you get here you do nothing but spend time with the children and work. What about me, huh?"

"If you're asking for attention, you should've just told me you wanted it." I grip on her neck tighter. But she doesn't flail or even move at all. "You should've known that already! For once! I'd like to be your priority too! You're mine! By the eyes of the Lord and the law! You're mine! So why can't you just stay?! The empire should be at the very least of your worries!!" Tears start welling up in the corner of my eyes and I make no efforts in stopping them.

I was caught by surprise when I suddenly felt her lips on mine. Moist and plump, I find myself drowning into the kiss. My grip around her neck faltering as I pushed my tongue in. She doesn't resist and arches her back, making herself completely vulnerable to me. I love it when I'm the only one who gets to unravel this side of her. It's always worth it. I pull away for air and started undoing her dress.

"Spain." I ignore her call and continued undoing her. "Tell me, other than politics, what else have you doing?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Don't play dumb mi amorcita. "Have you perhaps been frolicking with other men?" Philipia shivers as her top falls to the floor, leaving her only in her corset. I pull her in closer, wrapping my arm around her slender waist as I start sucking and biting on her neck.

Her moans were immediate, but I'm not surprised that she's trying to keep quiet. After all, there are guards guarding our bedroom just outside of this door. "Has a Frenchman perhaps given you a green gown?" Philipia doesn't answer and could only thrust her chest forward and arch her back as I started sucking and biting on her collarbone. "Has France's brother escorted you for an amorous congress?" I start undoing her lacings on her corset as the start loosening around her until they completely fell on the floor. "Has he taken you to ride Saint George?"

[A/n: yes, those were all 1800s english sex terms (I think)]

I ask as I crouched down and started sucking and nibbling on her right breast while I fondle with the left. "Mmh...S-Spain where's all of this coming fro- ahh..." I pull away from her breast, leaving a darker shade of red on her skin that's accompanied by teeth marks. "France is a very salacious man...and to think you lived in the same chateau as him is very concerning..."

"Do you not trust me, mi amor?" She asks while I started pulling down her skirt. "It's not that I don't trust you. It's that I don't trust him." I mused as I ran my hand through her drawers, making her shiver. The feeling of silk and her wet arousal doesn't go unnoticed by my fingertips. I rub her clit through her drawers and she moaned like never before, grinding her hips on my finger as a desperate plea for friction. A proof that she hasn't done it in a while.

"E-Espanya..." She moans as I made circling motions with my finger around the wet the spot forming in her drawers, pressing on it lightly. "What is it mi amor? What do you need?" I look down at her and she looks at me with tears forming in the corner of my eyes. "Te necesito..." I smile and kiss her lips before pulling down her drawers and kneeling...

"Como desées..."


[A/N: hi, how are you feeling? 😏]

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