🗒️: Announcement (new book?)

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Bonsoir, as you might not know...

I have a lot of Philippine Harem ship children. 95% of them will NOT be included in "Children of the Philippines" as they do not fit the storyline.

And since I didn't want them to completely go to waste, just sitting around in my mind, I was thinking of maybe making a book for them.

But no, they will not biologically related to each other. Although technically they're half siblings, but I like to think of them as just *ALTERNATE* children for whichever suitor female Philippines chooses.

Like, in one alternate reality, there's a Mexphil child, while in the other alternate reality, there's a Chiphil child.

But I also want all of them to meet? Like, yes they have alternate realities, but let's just say that there's a portal in which allows them to enter a different universe where they all could meet and interact.

I apologize if it sounds confusing but just go with it.

Basically, here's how it works:
Instead of "alternate reality" it'll be an "alternate possibility" which means they aren't even real or canon. And there's a universe, the *MAIN*/*CANON* universe where Philipia hasn't chosen a suitor.

These harem children are only possibilities, and can become canon/main only *IF* the canon Philipia chooses their father.

There would also be harem children that would look like the COP children, but trust me, they're completely irrelevant to each other.

Their names and personalities are the same, I'm basically just recycling them because I don't want to waste anymore braincells trying to create more OCs. I already have so many original characters I can't even count them anymore.

But anyway! Here are the list of children that I'll include in the story.

Note: I've also taken inspiration from Pangaea Academy and Gakuen Babysitters.

Ps, since there's so many of them, some of them might only be mentioned once or twice in the story.

Here's the list:

Egypt x Philipia:
Bennu(19): [Only] - Female
•Sexuality: Straight.
•Personality: Nerdy, fashionable, witty, short-tempered, tactical, materialistic, independent, charismatic, & charming
•Hobbies: Sleeping and makeup.
•Interests: Chemistry, astrology, mathematics, physics, makeup, legends/myths, money, jewelry, & gemstones.
•Occupation: part time student, babysitter, substitute teacher, one of the school's administrator, & tutoring.
Description: an overachiever, mostly sleeps all day despite babysitting toddlers, mostly works at night. Since she's also a student, she was also nominated to be the school's treasurer, leaving her with a lot of duties and tasks. Also very beautiful, rarely uses her charm as a weapon to get people to do what she wants when she really needs help. She might look irresponsible, but she's one of the most reliable teenagers in their school.
Inspiration: Pangaea Academy & Queen Cleopatra

Colombia x Philipia:
Adarna(19): [Eldest twin] - Female
•Sexuality: Aromantic
•Personality: Sassy, self-centred, carefree, charming, mischievous, & cocky.
•Hobbies: Gardening, shopping, & singing.
•Interests: Wildlife, cinematography, and old 1940s-50s songs.
Description: there are only five people she cares about: herself, her twin, their mother, and their father, in that order respectively. She also helps her sister become the person she wants to be through small gestures such as letting her borrow her things, teaching her how to do makeup, and teaching her how to do her hair.
Phoenix(19): [Twin] - Male > Female
•Gender&Sexuality: Transgender, Lesbian [Closet]
•Personality: Sassy, self-absorbed, insecure, carefree, charismatic, devious, & cocky.
•Hobbies: Sewing, makeup, & jewellery making.
•Interests: Pottery, acrylic art, & gemmology.
Description: Closeted transgender, but thanks to the help of her sister, she was able to discreetly and slowly transition. Very insecure and cares a lot about what other people think and say about her. There's also an inside joke in the family where they call her "Ibong"
Inspiration: Encanto (also the Ibong Adarna)

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