🌹+🔞|Writing practise [ChiPhil]

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[M/China x M/Philippines]
•Cold & Mechanical•
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-Historically inaccurate

-This takes place in ancient China.
-Part 2 of "Cold and Mechanical"
-Whilst writing the first request, I realized my writing has become shitty. I hadn't written anything in such a long time. So this is just for practise.
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Philip took charge in greeting the Japanese Emperor and his son before leading them to the dining area so Japanese Empire and China could discuss important matters.

As the four sat and ate, China and J.E talked whilst Philip and Japan listened. However, Philip barely listened and has rather been giving the Emperor's son a few signals. Japan caught on, but he was a little wary of China.

He's afraid that if they get caught, it would break the peace treaty between their kingdoms. Philip could barely care. He's grown bored and tired, he wants to try something new.

Imagine having to do the same thing every damn day for the past 8 years. Philip would want to do something new with someone new.

However, Japan refused Philip's advances during the dinner and Philip noticeably sighed in disappointment.

[A/N: They're speaking in traditional Mandarin]

"What's wrong, my love?" China asked as he noticed his sigh of disappointment. "Nothing my dearest. Please, don't let me interrupt your important meeting." China smiled and nodded before turning his head back to the Japanese Empire who understood their brief conversation.

As China resumed conversing with J.E, he snuck a hand down to Philip's thigh and squeezed them gently. One of his subtle signs that he wants to do it later. But Philip simply takes his hand off his thigh, an unused signal that he's putting off China for tonight. China was shocked and confused as to why Philip has denied him, but he didn't let it show on his face.

After the dinner, J.E and Japan were given rooms for them to rest until they leave tomorrow.

Meanwhile, China and Philip went to their shared bedroom. "Why did you say no?" Was China's immediate reaction after entering the safety of their room.

"I'm just not feeling it today, my dear. You've had your fill 5 times today. 2 in the morning, and then 3 just this afternoon. I need a break." Philip sighed as he approaches China and kisses his cheek. China's eyes sparkled, his pupils dilated, and his cheeks flushed. He felt his heart beat like a tanggu with fireworks setting off into the sky.

All that for a cheek kiss, it's easy to say that China's a simp.

"O-okay, love. We don't have to do it tonight..." He smiled. He nearly forgot romance existed, but now he wants to give it a try again. "Maybe we could just do something else tonight?" Philip smiled and hugged China tightly. "I'd love that..."

China felt like his legs had turned into jelly, melting into Philip's embrace. Philip thought this was nice, but as he was hugging China, he felt something poke him. "....dear?" He breaks off the hug and looks down at China's crotch area which was completely covered by his hanfu, but he could still see a subtle bulge poking out.

𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐈: Rᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ PH Bᴏᴏᴋ {Cʜ}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें