Shoddy deals and medical labs

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"What is it that you want then? Is it money? Because if it is, I have quite a bit of money from our funds to make you happy. Just tell me how much you want, and we'll work something out." X offered. In his eyes, the deal had seemed perfectly reasonable, but the guy looked offended for some reason.

"Is that really what you think of me? That all I'm interested in is a few measly pieces of paper?" he began in a mock-offended tone. "Oh no, I want something that only you can give me." he paused for dramatic effect, stared into X's eyes, and then proclaimed his end of the deal. "I want ACE to pardon all our criminal activities, and absolve all the pending cases against us for smuggling and dealing with dangerous weapons."

X's eyebrows shot up in the air and gave an exasperated gasp. The guy smirked at this. "Don't need to act so flustered, I'm not even asking for much. I know you have the authority to sanction such things. I just need your assurance that you won't come chasing after us once you've taken care of Shell."

X looked extremely forlorn as he slowly nodded his head in agreement. "This means all your current crimes will be pardoned, and not any future law-breaking you commit, alright?" he warned. The guy seemed happy enough by this and nodded eagerly.

"Okay, now that this is taken care of, you need to honour your end of the deal. Tell us Shell's location." he entreated. The guy immediately widened his eyes.

"Not so fast, Agent X. I need it in writing from you that you will honour your word, including all the subclauses we have talked about. Then you'll need to put your signature in there as well."

Ugh, my boss' going to kill me, X thought and sighed at his request, but since the situation was desperate, he agreed to the conditions and quickly drafted the required document. Then he showed it to the guy, who read through it carefully and asked X to sign it.

After this was taken care of, X reminded him of his deal once again. Since he didn't seem to have any more objections, he agreed to disclose the location.

X quickly opened a blank page and hovered his pen above it, ready to receive the data, when something struck him. "Wait, why are you disclosing this information to us again? Don't you guys have some pact for secrecy? Does customer loyalty really mean nothing to you?"

He looked amused that X had asked such a question, and readily answered it, "I'm a businessman through and through, Agent X. I only act according to what's beneficial for my company, both in the short term and for the long run. Right now, I'm caught in a situation where my whole company could be turned over to the authorities at any second. If I need to save it, I must break a few minor contracts. On the other hand, I have a lousy deal by one of my many customers that will get terminated very soon anyway. So why not come over to your side and take benefit from it?"

"Fair enough," X conceded with a shake of his head. "Now shall we get to it?"

The guy cleared his throat, grabbed a piece of paper from somewhere, and read out the address written on it. X copied it down as quick as he could, analysing it simultaneously for its credibility.

"Yes, that's it." The guy announced. X looked up from the paper he was writing on and gave him a critical look.

"This address seems legit enough, but by any chance, if it isn't the location Shell is hiding in, I swear I'll hunt you down myself," X uttered. The guy waved his hand dismissively.

"I'm not kidding, I really won't rest until you're in my hands ..." he paused, realising that he didn't even know his name. "Wait, what's your name again?"

Agent XDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora