5 Brothers

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Recap: All I knew is that something was about to be decided about all of us and doubted that we would be thralls like the rest of the crew.

The Viking in the fir spoke first in English so we could understand him, "Not bad, not bad at all. These two are sturdy and strong they will be most useful." He walked behind me and leered before adding, "now this one, this red dress isn't her color." With a laugh he and his brothers walked back to the chairs. I only got one sympathetic look from the blonde brother as he past. All of the brother sat down still laughing.

Finally the Viking in the fir coat spoke silencing the others, "she is to be a wife, I don't need slim child like this so which of you want her. If none of you do I'm sure one of the men will take her."

The other brothers laughed shortly before the clear oldest looked at the brother to his left, and I realized that these Vikings were going in order of eldest to see which brother wanted me as a partner. The brother on the left shook his head no. So the oldest with the fir turned to the right, same reaction they didn't want me.

The two flanking the eldest stepped back allowing the blonde who was clearly the youngest and the other to step forward next to the eldest wearing the fir.

The blonde was looking grimm and uncomfortable, while the other had a small smile like he was contemplating something, the eldest turned to the one wearing the smile, and waited for an answer.

"I don't know, can I play with her first and see if she can handle it." he said this in English and I think he did so to shock me but my face stayed bland and hollow, I was to numb to care.

The eldest though this over before turning to the blonde brother, "and you?"

The blonde swallowed hard, "can I have her?"

The two brothers looked at each other as the older ones looked between the two. Finally the eldest spoke again, "brother," he said to the youngest, "you haven't asked for anything before so I'm inclined to let you have her but first I must ask a question of your elder brother since she is his right by our law." the youngest nodded solemnly but said nothing so the eldest turned toward the other brother and continued. "Why do you want her and what would you do with her brother, she would be your 8th wife and while I know your enjoy the spoils I would rather settle this without fighting between brothers."

It was clear but heedless tone of voice that he didn't care if they fought but cared about the blood lose and the damage it might do to two brothers who fight side by side.

The other brother stopped and thought about me for a second, "I want her because she is unique and there is something different about her but your right brother/leader I don't wish to fight over her and since Jamie has never wanted a spoil of war before, I agree with you she should be his." he said this with a wink to Jamie whose ears turned a slight shade of red at he remark.

The eldest spoke again, "there is your answer Jamie." he gestured to me as he said this and said without words for Jamie to take me away.

The Lancelot stepped forward, "you can't treat her like property for she already belongs to me."

His words stunned me and I was unable to move, I want his my mind whirled. But then I wondered if he was trying to protect me so I waited to see what would happen next ready to deny if Lancelot would be put to any harm because of me.

The brothers glanced between them in mild bewilderment, I was guessing at the outburst, and visible interest in the new found game that they were going to get to take part in. They looked like they hadn't had any entertainment in a while and that this was going to be rat for the to play with like a cat looking for a something to play with to pass the time until its owner gets home.

"Oh, You here that brothers? She's spoken for. What ever will we do?" The second eldest brother said sneeringly.

They all, minus Jamie, circled around Lancelot as the eldest said, "I know let's let Jamie fight for her. Since he wants her so badly and she's taken by this inferior man it's only natural that he should have to fight for her."

Jamie turned a bit pale and it was clear that he didn't care for fighting but the look quickly famished as he slowly nodded his head, "if I have to fight for her then I will."

"Alright, so how will the fight be determined?" The third brother said.

"With a knife fight." the fourth brother said.

"No will fists, that's how men fight." said the second.

The eldest raised his hand to silence them and rain in the excitement that the brothers seemed to be feeling, like animas about to go on the hunt. The tension was felt as the eldest began to speak, "we will hold a gauntlet", for the bewildered look of me and Lancelot he explained, "a fight to the death in a ring with my men surrounding you so you can't escape and you will be allowed to choose one short range weapon."

Lancelot eyes gleamed as he spoke, "if I win will I get her."

The eldest nodded and added, "yes as well as become my fifth since in my ranks you keep what you kill. In other words if you beat someone of a higher rank than you then you get that rank and they get yours. Only official fight though, regular fights don't count." the eldest laughed at the predicament that Lancelot and I seemed to be in.

I looked around and noticed that the Captain was missing and I think he had been missing for quite some time.

Confused, I waited to see what would happen and how all of this was going to work out. I was shown to a small tent but it was big enough for me and I realized that nobody was going to join me and the two guards at the door made sure that I would be safe, or at the very least that they trophy wouldn't be damaged before the fight took place.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now