My bestfriend

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<3 Day6 is free therapy

Jisung looked down at his phone.  He was starting to get nervous that the puppy might cancel.

I mean seungmin is a busy boy, jisung would totally understand why he would skip meeting him for a talk.


The blond boy looked to the side and saw the brown haired puppy. Hey got up and waved.

"Hey seungmin thank you for meeting me. I know you're busy. Sorry"

The puppy just shook his head "no. No I'm actually free. Plus I really wanted to see you. I haven't been able to. I apologize"

Both boys sat down. No one spoke up, jisung was getting scared. He didn't want it to be awkward.

"Okay, you know how Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix want to go to that competition..... well I have a idea on how we can help with money. "

"Shoot. "

"Shoot me..... "

Seungmin was so confused, yeah he's smart, but cut him some slack. Hyunjin isn't so good for his brain. Hehe jk.

Jisung tried again

"Congratulations..... on your album. "

Seungmin was still confused. "Thanks?"

Jisung smiled, seungmin was so lost.

"I smile~"


"Seungmin come on. You're making feel like a zombie."

Then finally the light bulb lit up.

"Day 6? What about that?"

Jisung smile grew. "Bingo. Okay I know this is a huge favor. But I was able to get us a small stage a minhos moms restaurant. I was think of preforming, having small gigs there. Hopefully we can make at least half for the boys. I planed on preforming day 6 songs and I wanted to duet with you. So... how does that sound?"

Seungmin just stared at jisung. Like literally, jisung couldn't read the puppy.


"You're so fucking smart! Yes let's do this!!"

Seungmin banged his fist on the table. He kinda got a little excited.

"Thank you so much. I didn't want to do it alone.."

"No, thank you I miss singing with you jisung. We haven't since..... since high school "


Jisung just nodded. "Yeah."


The two boys continued to talk about each other and sometimes their boyfriends.

But as their gathering came to and end. Jisung pulled at a small looking book, or to be real,
It was seungmins album.

"Can I have your signature?"

Seungmin just stared at his own album.

"I've listen to every song almost over and over. You really did a beautiful job min."

Seungmin just smiled. He got
The marker and signed it, but he wrote something down inside.

"Look at it when you get home. Someone once told me what it said. And it changed my life. "

Jisung just nodded. They both got up and headed out.


"Hey, jisung can I hug you?"

"Am I hearing this right ? The one a only Kim seungmin wants to hug me.... Sure "

Seungmins hugs were different from the other
Tight hugs he gets. Instead he so gently, but in his embrace you feel so safe.

"I'm so happy to see you han. I hope you've been happy. I'm always a text away. "

"Thanks, thank you for agreeing today. I'll text you when our first gig is."

Seungmin pulled away and smiled. "Alright. Text me when you get home. Stay safe Han. "

"Likewise. "

I hope you're enjoying this book. Let me know if I start confusing you. Remember this is all fiction.
Sending love your way
(Comments if you'd like to) :)

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