Ch. 17 Candles

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Sebastian's POV

Did Abigail tell Pierre? Is this what she meant by drastic methods? Maybe it wasn't Abby, it could have been my mom too.

So far it had been a really good day. He'd opened up with Y/N and she'd huddled in close to him. Part of Sebastian wanted to ask 

What are we?

But he knew. She definitely has to like him at least a little bit. Sure the insecure part of Sebastian wanted to hear Y/N say it, but now was not the time and place. Sometime soon Sebastian would get a bouquet and see if Y/N wanted things to get serious between them. But for now, Sebastian just put on a horror movie so Y/N would cuddle close. Ebony hopped up on Sebastian's lap and laid down purring softly. About a half-hour into the movie when things started to get spooky Y/N clung to his arm. Sebastian gently pulled out of her grasp and put his arm around her shoulders instead. She nestled into the crook of his arm and laid her head on his chest. Sebastian hoped she couldn't hear his heart racing but how could she miss it? He wasn't sure if it had always been this hard to breathe or if he was just thinking about breathing normally too hard. As they watched the movie Sebastian idly rubbed circles with his thumb on Y/N's arm. 

"Do you like horror movies?" Y/N asked.

Sebastian shrugged

"More than most kinds of movies I guess. How about you?"

Y/N shuddered

"Well, I definitely don't watch this stuff by myself, ever. I like sleeping, and this stuff gives me nightmares. 

She hesitated for a few seconds,

It's not so bad with you here though."

Sebastian just smiled and rubbed her arm gently. After a moment Y/N sat up and looked at Sebastian.

"Do you want something to drink? Water? Juice? Soda? .. Vodka?"

"Surprise me," Sebastian answered, sinking into the couch a little.

Y/N's mouth pulled up at the corners and she walked into the kitchen. Sebastian could hear glasses clanking against other cups. 

Then a few things happened in quick succession. There was a huge crash of thunder, Y/N let out a startled yelp, and Sebastian heard glass shatter. Sebastian stood and started to walk to the kitchen, then the lights went out, Y/N made distressed noises, and Sebastian tripped on his foot, and hit his head on the floor.

Sebastian just lay on the floor for a few seconds until he heard glass rustling in the kitchen. Then he stood up slowly, pulled his phone out, and turned on the flashlight before making his way into the kitchen. Y/N had made her way over to the sink only to find that the water wasn't running. There were a few drops of blood on the counter between the open Cabinet and the sink. 

"I'm real fucking talented today." She laughed a little then winced.

Sebastian moved to stand next to her and shined the light on her hand. It looked like she had managed to get the glass off of her hand but there was a two-inch cut on her palm under her thumb that was dripping with blood.

Sebastian blinked a couple of times

"Do you have a first aid kit around? We should probably light some candles too." 

"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, I'll grab some candles," Y/N said moving toward another cabinet wincing. 

Sebastian shook his head and put a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I'll light some candles, you should go sit at the table away from all the glass."

Sebastian quickly grabbed some candles out of the cabinet and pointed his flashlight at the floor so they could avoid stepping on glass. Y/N took a seat at the table and Sebastian spaced the candles across the table and lit them. Then he quickly retrieved the first aid kit from the bathroom.  He sat down next to Y/N and set the first aid kit on the table.

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