Ch 12. Beach Day

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Sebastian's POV
Sebastian was surprised to be the first one to wake up at around 10 am. He thought Y/N probably didn't let herself sleep In much so he would just let her wake up on her own. He carefully pulled his arm out from under Y/N and crawled off the front of his bed so he didn't have to try to climb over her. He walked over to his computer and turned the screen back to how he Usually had it before taking a seat. He grabbed his phone off the desk and saw he had a message from Sam.
S: "Hey man! You wanna hang out sometime today?"
Sb: "Depends on what Y/N wants to do when she wakes up."
S: "??????"
Sebastian groaned, he was not excited to explain yesterday's events.
Sb: "So basically. I helped my mom upgrade Y/N's house yesterday, mom invited her over for dinner, we ended up watching anime in my room until she fell asleep." 
Sam opened the message and stared at it for a long time before responding.
Sb: "Yes"
Sb: "Yes"
S: "Well well you sly dog. Are you gonna ask her out?"
Sb: "You know I can't do that Sam."
S: "Well the thing is Seb, from where I'm sitting it reaaalllyyyy seems like you can."
Sb: "She probably just didn't realize how tired she was. I mean she's still asleep, she definitely needed some rest."
S: "I'm just saying man, she probably likes you."
Sb: "Well I don't think probably is good enough, I don't think she likes me in that way. I don't want to mess up our relationship."
S: "I mean if you keep denying all the signs, you're never gonna ask her out."
Sb: "I would if I knew she'd say yes."
S: " -_- What's the point in asking a question you know the answer to, but whatever I'll agree to disagree. Why don't you ask Y/N if she'd like to come to the beach with is and a few other people."
Sb: "Depending on the other people I'm not even sure I want to go."
S: "Vincent, Abby, Emily, and Hailey."
Sb: "I guess that's fine. I'll ask her whenever she wakes up. If she sleeps past noon I'll wake her up."
S: "Alright man, just let me know."
Sebastian set his phone back on the desk and decided he should change out of yesterday's clothes. Upon further inspection, he decided he should take a quick shower. He grabbed a new set of clothes to change into after his shower and headed upstairs. While he showered he thought about what Sam had said. Could Sebastian deny the fact that Y/N seemed to enjoy his company? No. Could he deny that she seemed to like him more than her other friends? Absolutely. She would have no problem sleeping over at Abby's house in her bed, and if she had been in the same situation with Sam she might have slept in his bed too. The thought bothered Sebastian. Sebastian denied the fact that he's special to Y/N, but the thought of him actually being right made him feel sick. He wants to be special to Y/N, he just doesn't want her to know she's special to him. If she knew how he felt then one way or another their relationship would have to change, and Sebastian doesn't feel ready for that. He doesn't want to rush into anything, things felt rushed enough with how close they've gotten for the past couple of months she's been in stardew valley. Sebastian got out of the shower and got dressed. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head while he was walking back into his room. When he got back Y/N was still sleeping so he took a seat at his desk and decided to watch some YouTube videos to pass the time. At around 11:30 Y/N started to stir. She stretched her limbs laying on the bed and after she relaxed she laid there for a moment. Then she quickly sat up with a look of panic on her face.
"What time is it?!"
"Like 11:30" Y/N facepalmed and stood up.
"I have to water my plants! Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I'm sure your plants will be fine if they're watered a few hours later than usual. It seemed like you needed some rest so I didn't want to disturb you." 
"Well, I still need to get home and water my plants."
"I was wondering if you'd wanna come and hang out with me and some other people at the beach after you water your plants." Y/N eyed Sebastian suspiciously
"You wanna go to the beach? What other people are going to be there?" Sebastian decided to ignore the first question. He liked the beach just fine, it's the sun he's got a problem with.
"Sam, Vincent, Abby, Emily, and Hailey are who's coming." Y/N seemed satisfied with his answer.
"I guess I should keep myself occupied while I wait for your mom to finish my house." Y/N twisted herself to her left until she sat on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor. "So uh, did you sleep on the couch last night orrrrrr?" 
"No, I slept in my bed. Why?" Sebastian cracked a smile and looked at Y/N. She stared back at him for a moment and Sebastian thought her cheeks looked pink, but she quickly broke eye contact and stared at her hands in her lap.
"I was just wondering!" She blurted. She took a deep breath and continued softly. "I would have felt bad if I made you sleep on the couch." They were silent for a moment then Sebastian pulled out his phone. He opened his chat with Sam then looked at Y/N.
"So you're coming to the beach with us?" He double-checked.
"Yeah, I just gotta run to my house. For my swimsuit and to take care of my plants." Sebastian nodded and he texted Sam that they'd be there in like an hour. 
"Well I'm gonna get changed real quick, then we can head over to your house." Sebastian grabbed his swim trunks out of his dresser then quickly headed to the bathroom upstairs to change. He was excited to spend even more time with Y/N, and although he was ashamed to admit it, he really wants to see Y/N in a swimsuit. When he got back to his room Y/N had her shoes on and stood waiting for him. Sebastian quickly grabbed his phone then they were on their way. They each smoked a cigarette while they walked and chatted. 
"You don't have to come with me, you know, I can just meet up with everybody at the beach. "  Sebastian dismissed the statement with a wave.
"I'd rather wait for you, plus I can water your plants while you get ready." Y/N looked at Sebastian fretfully. 
"I couldn't ask you to do that for me. "
"Well you didn't,  I offered. It's not a big deal, plus then we'll get to the beach faster. " Y/N pouted for a minute, but when Sebastian didn't acknowledge it she relented. When they arrived at the farm they saw his mom hammering some new walls. 
"You guys are finally up? I was gonna offer you guys breakfast this morning but you guys looked so cute I couldn't bear to disturb you. All snuggled together, ah I'm so glad I took a picture. " Robin cooed. Sebastian and Y/N spoke at the same time. 
"You what?!?"
"Can I see it?" Y/N walked closer to Robin.
"Of course dear!" Robin said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Y/N looked at the picture and blushed. "She's probably just embarrassed." Sebastian told himself. After a long moment of staring, Y/N walked over to one of her big boxes and pulled out a watering can. She approached Sebastian then gestured for him to follow her into the field where she showed him how much water he should give each plant. She handed him the watering can and whisked herself into her house. Sebastian got to work watering the plants and saw his mother approach him in his peripherals. She leaned on the outside of the fence
"Sebastian," she let out a long sigh and put one hand on his shoulder. "I had pretty much given up on getting any grandkids from you-" Sebastian quickly turned to face his mom with a mortified expression, accidentally pouring water on her pants in the process. She lifted the can so it wasn't pouring anymore "- but I see there's hope for you yet. " Sebastian glanced at the door fully expecting Y/N to be standing there having heard that, but to his surprise, Y/N was still inside. He pulled his mom's arm off his shoulder and started watering plants again. 
"Mom! You're crazy! I've known her for like a month and a half!" He muttered still worried Y/N would come out and hear this. His mom let out a hearty laugh
"I'm just teasing Seb. It's cute when you're flustered." She reached and ruffled Sebastian's hair. He moved out of reach and fixed his hair and scowled at her. 
"Don't call me that. "
"Call you what?" Y/N asked as she stepped onto the porch. 
"I like to call him Seb when I tease him." Robin answered with a wicked grin. Y/N looked at Sebastian with sarcastic pity. 
"Aw poor Seb." She teased. Sebastian groaned and Y/N walked up to him and ruffled his hair before taking the watering can from him. She turned to continue where Sebastian had left off. Sebastian looked at his mom and she raised her eyebrows up and down, he quickly broke eye contact with her because he was afraid of her saying more embarrassing things. After a minute of silence, his mom got back to work on the house and Sebastian relaxed his shoulders. He looked at Y/N and watched her work. She now had a yellow sundress on top of her swimsuit and the straps poked above the sleeveless dress. She also wore a floppy sun hat, round rose gold sunglasses and some black flip-flops. She looked at him when he was staring and brushed her hair behind her ear with her free hand. 
"It's cute when your mom teases you. " Sebastian's eyes widened and he blushed. Seeing his reaction made her do the same "I meant like both of you! The interaction is cute!" She turned her head to look at the watering can. Sebastian wanted to say "it's cute when you embarrass yourself. " but he couldn't bring himself to say something so forward. 
"Yeah, she said something similar right before you got outside. She teases me because she likes the reaction I give her. No matter how I react she always finds it amusing, even when I ignore her!" He let out a big sigh. Y/N let out a small laugh as she finished watering the last of her plants. 
"That just means she loves you a lot! When you love someone everything they do is cute. "  she walked over to the chest she retrieved the watering can from and put it away. Sebastian followed her out of the field and closed the gate behind him. Y/N closed the chest then turned to face Sebastian. 
"So are you ready for a day at the beach?" He nodded and they started their walk to the beach. Robin gave them a wave goodbye as they left. Sebastian put his hands in his pockets as he walked and Y/N looked him up and down
"Isn't it too hot to be wearing a sweatshirt?" Sebastian shrugged
"I mean yeah it's hot as fuck outside today. I just always wear one outside I guess. "
"So are you planning on wearing that in the water?" She laughed and he looked at the ground.
"I mean I was just gonna wade in the water, I'm not much of a swimmer." He didn't hate swimming. The main problem was that for it to be fun it had to be hot and sunny outside. Swimming in cold water isn't fun, but Sebastian also doesn't like roasting to death in the sun. So usually he'd say no to going to the beach on a nice day, but he seemed to have a good time whenever he was around Y/N. He hoped today was no exception. She waved to everybody they passed as they walked through town, and they all smiled and waved in return. Everyone in town seemed to like her and Sebastian had no idea how she did it. When they arrived at the beach everyone was already there, with the addition of Alex. Sebastian had never gotten along with the jock, he was so full of himself and it irritated Sebastian to no end. They approached the clump of people standing on the beach. Upon their arrival, Sam moved to stand next to Sebastian and waved at Y/N. Abby walked up to Y/N and suddenly pulled her into a hug
"Oh my gosh,  I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?"
"I'm great, actually Robin is finishing my house upgrade as we speak!" The conversation continued like this for a few minutes until Alex moved to stand in front of Y/N
"So you do have a bikini. " He reached for one of her shoulder straps but Y/N smacked his hand before he touched it. 
"Of course I have a bikini. " She took a step back and rolled her eyes. 
"Well, I can't wait to see it." He purred. Her face contorted into disgust
"Hearing you say that makes me want to swim with my dress on. " She spat. Before the conversation could devolve further Vincent approached Y/N and handed her a small pink shell
"I found this and thought it was pretty so I thought you should have it." He said bashfully. Y/N smiled at him warmly and ruffled his hair. 
"Thanks, bud, I'll make sure to take good care of it. " her tone had quickly changed from irritated to sweet. Vincent beamed at her before scowling at Alex and his brother Sam and then returning to playing in the sand. Sebastian was honestly a little hurt Vincent didn't see him as a threat, then he supposed he wasn't really. Sam clapped his hands together
"Well since everyone is here now why don't we start having some fun!" He ran up behind Vincent and scooped him into his arms. Then he ran waist-deep into the water before tossing Vincent into the water. Vincent popped above the water and started splashing Sam as much as he could. The girls were quick to get undressed and in the water to join the fight. Sebastian sat on the beach and watched everyone playing in the water. Abby had a dark purple bikini, Emily had a blue one-piece, Hailey had a one-piece with a white top and pink bottoms. Y/N had a bikini with a skirt bottom piece. They were white with black polka dots. Sebastian had seen Y/N in not enough clothes before, but it was still a sight for sore eyes. Sebastian soon became too hot to Continue sitting on the hot sand of the beach. He moved to sit at the end of the dock and dangled his feet in the water. After a few minutes of sitting, Y/N swam over to him and tread water in front of him. 
"You should swim! The water feels really nice today. " She splashed his legs for emphasis. She was right of course the water was the perfect temperature to feel refreshing in the heat. 
"Maybe in a few minutes." He leaned back on his hands and stared down at Y/N. She rolled her eyes and swam closer
"You're gonna regret it if you don't take off your sweatshirt."
"Why-" suddenly she grabbed his leg and tried to pull him into the water. "Okay! I surrender, let me take it off!" Y/N let him go and swam away from the edge of the dock. Sebastian was flustered from the interaction and he could feel Y/N staring at him. He removed his sweatshirt and his t-shirt and tried to ignore how exposed he felt. He walked to the edge of the dock and looked down at Y/N, she moved her hand in a circle to say hurry up while she smiled at him. When he jumped in it was cold for a moment, but his body quickly adjusted. When he surfaced Y/N relaxed and floated on her back
"It's really a perfect day to be at the beach, thank you for inviting me." She sighed and closed her eyes. 
"I mean you're always welcome to come with us whenever we get together." He treads next to her on the water.  
"Well, it's still nice to be invited." She sat up and lightly splashed Sebastian. He swam closer to the shore so he could stand in the water,  Y/N followed him but had to go a couple of feet closer to shore to stand. 
"So Have you always liked swimming?" He asked once she turned to face him. 
"I mean I guess it's mostly cause I grew up around a lot of water. I learned to swim when I was really little and it's been one of my favorite things to do since. The ocean is definitely my favorite place to swim, the waves just feel nice." She paused to listen to the waves. "Why don't you like swimming?"
"It's not that I don't like swimming, I just don't like being out in the sun. I also don't like taking off my sweatshirt in public, and I usually have to deal with both of those to swim." He explained 
"Well then why did you want to today?" She gazed at him intensely. He shrugged
"I didn't have any other plans for the day, it's more fun to hang out with everyone than to find something to do by myself." It was an honest answer, he just left out that he definitely would have found something else to do if she hadn't wanted to come with. He really just wants to spend time with her. Suddenly Sebastian's attention was grabbed by their group standing close to shore waving them over. Sebastian looked back to Y/N and pointed to their group behind her "We should probably go see what they want." After she looked to see what he was talking about she nodded and they headed over. Sebastian stood beside Sam and Y/N stood next to Sebastian. Now that everyone was standing in a circle Sam spread his arms out
"So since we have an even amount of people, I thought it would be awesome to do chicken fights." He looked around the group to gauge their reactions. Everyone seemed to like the idea other than Sebastian, so he decided to just keep his mouth shut. Sam went on "So there will be 4 groups. First, we will have group one fight two, then 3 and 4 will fight. After that, the winners will fight to be the chicken champions!" Everyone nodded their agreement and they started splitting themselves into groups. 1 Sam and Vincent, 2 Hailey and Alex, 3 Abby and Emily, and 4 Sebastian and Y/N. Sebastian hadn't played this game since he was a kid, and back then he was usually on top of Sam. The group moved to stand in deeper water so it was easier to lift and hold each other up. The two non-participating groups would referee the matches. First up was Sam and Vincent vs Alex and Hailey. Sebastian thought this was just unfair. No way would those two go easy on the kid. The 4 of them that were not participating turned their back to the shore and stood shoulder to shoulder with their partner with a few feet of space between the pairs. The participants got into position and Y/N bumped Sebastian's shoulder and gestured vaguely in front of them. 
"No way they win this one." 
"Yeah,  this match isn't really fair."
"Fight!" Abby yelled to start the match. Hailey rushed Vincent and shoved his shoulders. Sebastian figured that would be it, to his surprise the attack didn't have much effect. 
"See what I mean? Is way easier to keep your balance when you don't have as much extra weight." After their first attack failed Hailey and Alex kept their distance for a moment while they thought of a different approach. Then they suddenly charged and Hailey locked arms with Vincent. What Hailey had in size Vincent made up for with energy. Sam really moved to compensate for whatever direction Hailey pulled them in. Alex scowled, frustrated he let go of Hailey's legs to push Sam. Hailey leaned on them to keep herself up without Alex holding onto her and the two boys started to lose their balance. Desperately Vincent pulled a hand out of Hailey's grip and poked her in the side. She reflexively let go of him with her other hand to defend herself. The motion of her quickly pulling her hands back made her start to fall back. In a desperate attempt to keep her balance she grabbed Alex's head. The two boys didn't hesitate to take advantage of his confusion, they both gave a big push and Hailey fell dragging Alex down with her. Y/N laughed and so did Sebastian after a moment of bewilderment.
"I thought for sure Hailey and Alex would win that easily." He confessed. Y/N raised an eyebrow at him
"Well, I can see why someone would think that at a glance. I just used to play this with my friends, but I was usually on the bottom since I'm pretty strong for a girl. So I just knew it's way easier when you have someone tiny on your team." 
"So you have any plans to beat Abby and Emily?" He asked and she frowned. 
"I mean if they put Emily on top then it'll be a piece of cake, but since Emily is taller than Abby I doubt they'll do that."
"So what should I do? I'm usually the person on top so I don't really know." Y/N looked surprised but quickly took the expression off her face. 
"All you need to worry about is keeping us balanced. Go where they push us if they pull move forward so we can push on them. Don't let go of me with both hands like Alex did with Hailey, basically an automatic loss." Sebastian nodded taking in the information. As the groups moved to switch positions Hailey yelled at Alex for letting go of her. Sam kept Vincent on his shoulders so he could watch the next fight and ruffled his hair. When they were in place Sebastian felt nervous to have so many people looking at him. Y/N squeezed his hand lightly "We got this." She assured him. Since everyone else was making him nervous he decided to ignore the four people he could and that made him feel a bit better. He crouched under the water so Y/N could sit on his shoulders, he was surprised how easy it was to stand like this in the water. Emily stood a few feet in front of him with Abby on her shoulders. 
"Ready?" Sam shouted from the sidelines. Abby and Y/N gave a thumbs up. "Fight!" Both pairs moved in until the gap was closed. Abby and Y/N had their arms locked and once they started shoving each other Sebastian realized the difficulty of his job. Most of the time when Abby pushed on Y/N she had no problem pushing back enough to keep them balanced. Suddenly Abby hooked her hands under Y/N's arms and tried to lift her and push her back at the same time. Sebastian held onto Y/N's legs and took a couple of steps back to stay balanced. Once she rested her hands on his head he moved forward to close the gap again. They didn't lock arms this time Abby lunged at Y/N and she dodged it Sebastian sidestepped to match Y/Ns movements. He saw Emily was trying to plant her feet and lift Abby back into position. He swept one foot into Emily's legs from the side. He knocked the first one out from under her and bumped the other one. Y/N took advantage of the moment and pushed Abby's shoulders back. For a moment it looked like Emily might stay standing, but she overcompensated and she and Abby fell face-first into the water. Y/N grinned at Sebastian and ruffled his hair. He flashed her a smile before falling back into the water taking her down with him. When they surfaced she splashed him in the face for kicking her off his shoulders. Sam declared that they would take a quick break before they did the final match. Abby stomped over to Sebastian and crossed her arms. 
"You guys played dirty!" She huffed. Y/N pushed Abby's shoulder playfully. 
"Aw, somebody's a sore loser!" She teased and Abby flushed. 
"But he took Emily's feet out from under her! That's literally a low blow." She insisted and crossed her arms. 
"Well Vincent won because he poked Hailey in the side, so I just figured anything goes." Sebastian pointed out. Y/N pointed at him to say "exactly." Unable to think of a comeback Abby splashed both of them. They all broke out in laughter and the tension was gone. After a few minutes of chatting Sam approached them with Vincent on his shoulders. 
"You guys are Goin down!" He declared and Vincent pointed at the water for emphasis. 
"Well, we're not going easy on you guys after seeing you fight dirty." Y/N shot back. 
"Are you guys ready to settle this?" Sam asked dramatically, causing Vincent to giggle. They nodded their agreement and everyone moved so they were arranged the same way as before they took a break. Sebastian crouched to let Y/N on his shoulders again,  when he stood he noticed he felt more tired than he had before his match with Emily and Abby. Y/N leaned forward to look at Sebastian's face and pulled the hair away from his eyes.
"You good?" She asked with a look of concern. He gave her a thumbs up
"Yeah I'm fine, let's do this. " He assured her. He moved until he stood a few feet in front of Sam. 
"Ready?" Abby shouted. Everyone nodded. "Fight!" Sebastian stared at Sam and they circled each other keeping the distance between them. Vincent pulled on Sam's hair to urge him forward. Once Y/N was within his reach Vincent started lunging at Y/N. As she was dodging him Sebastian did his best to follow her to keep her securely on his shoulders. After a few moments of this Sam took both of Vincent's ankles in one hand and made a jab at Sebastian with his now free hand. Sebastian instinctively dodged him, setting Y/N off balance for a moment. Sebastian closed the gap again and this time Vincent locked arms with Y/N. She began to easily overpower him, pushing him and Sam back. Sebastian stepped forward every time Sam took a step back, Sam went for another Jab. Sebastian just took it and didn't flinch much since he saw it coming. Vincent managed to wriggle out of Y/N's grasp and tickled her sides. For a moment she squirmed and almost made them fall over. Then she grabbed Vincent's hands, put both of his hands in one of hers, and tickled his sides with her other hand. Soon Vincent squirmed his way off his brother's shoulders, and they were victorious. Y/N ruffled his hair and leaned down to show him a grin. He crouched and let Y/N off his shoulders this time. When he surfaced she rested her hands on his shoulders and shook them. 
"We did it!" She exclaimed. Sebastian turned around to face her and smiled at her. 
"Yeah. I'm honestly surprised." 
"What? You doubted me?" She gave him a fake look of hurt. 
"Nah, I'm just not used to winning physical contests." He rubbed the back of his neck abashed. She ruffled his hair again
"Well, then I'm extra glad we won." She dunked her head underwater to pull all her hair out of her face. Everyone was tired so the group retreated to the shore. The girls all decided to sunbathe, and the boys started building sandcastles. Sebastian built a basic castle with a large main body and 4 towers. The edges were rigid and it had a most surrounding it. The one Sam and Vincent were working on together looked more like a lump than anything else. It was decorated with what seemed to be randomly placed seashells, and it had a strip of seaweed stabbed into the top of the biggest lump. Alex had given up on a castle and drew a football field in the sand.  He used seashells and pebbles to put two teams on the field, arranging them in various positions for plays. After they had lounged on the beach for about an hour Vincent whined that he was hungry. Sam walked over to Sebastian 
"You should ask Y/N and Abby if they want to get dinner at the saloon. I have to run Vincent home, but you guys can take that time to get showered and changed. We can all just meet there. "
"Why do I have to ask them you're still here aren't you?" Sebastian asked with a frown. 
"Well I should get young as soon as possible, and you need the practice." Sam flashed a devilish smile. Sebastian wanted to refute the statement but found he couldn't. It couldn't hurt any to just practice for the best-case scenario. He wasn't getting his hopes up, he was just being prepared for anything, at least that's what he told himself. He sighed
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He conceded. Sam gave him a thumbs-up as he walked back over to his brother. Sebastian stood and stretched his limbs then turned towards where the girls were laying in the sun. They were on towels chatting and looked to be almost dry. Their conversation quieted as he approached 
"Do you guys wanna have dinner with me and Sam at the saloon tonight? He has to drop Vincent off at home so we can all go home and shower beforehand." He entreated. Y/N frowned
"I think your mom has my water shut off since she's adding a sink in the kitchen." She said uncertainly.
"Well, you could run home then come shower at my house. I'll probably be done with my shower by the time you get to my house." He offered. She shrugged
"I mean if that's fine with you." 
"Of course." He assured. Abby sat up on her towel and took her sunglasses as she looked at Y/N.
"Is it finally time for you guys to have your rematch?" She asked excitedly. 
"Now wait a minute, she has to beat Sam again to qualify for a rematch, remember?" Sebastian added. Y/N rolled her eyes
"I guess I just won't drink until I beat you tonight." She sighed in disappointment. 
"I mean you can drink if you want to, I'm gonna win anyway so it's not like it matters."
"You know what? Now I feel like I have to beat you drunk." She challenged. Sebastian yawned
"In your dreams." He teased making her even more eager to take him down a notch.

Sebastion X Reader Smoke Games And LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu