Ch 4. A Quick Game

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Y/N had finished her second drink and decided she could head over to the game room now. She had a light buzz from her two beers but nothing she couldn't handle. Y/N approached them. They were all in the same position. It was hard to tell if this was the same game one but it was clear that Sebastian was going to win. Sam was clearly thinking hard about his next move when he looked up and saw you. 

"Oh hey, there I'm Sam, good to meet you." He held out his hand and Y/N shook it

"I'm Y/N" and she did her best to smile warmly

"Oh. You just moved here cool.

Sebastian interjected not looking at Y/N

Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican town?" He asked. His eyes shift up to meet Y/N's.

"Well mostly because I think this is gonna be better than where I was at." She sighed

An awkward silence fell and Y/N decided she should just leave them alone Abigail piped up

"If you're bored you could watch Sam get creamed for the third time tonight. Come on

She waved Y/N to come closer then patted the seat next to her on the couch. Now, this greatly confused Y/N because she thought Abigail didn't like her, but maybe she was wrong?

Have a seat."

"Well if you guys don't mind. I could buy us all some drinks if you want? Wait, are you guys old enough to drink?"

Sam laughed "hell yeah dude I'll take a drink!" 

Abigail and Sebastian said they wanted drinks as well so Y/N headed back over to the bar.

"Hey, Emily! 4 more beers please!"

Emily smiled warmly when she handed over the tray of alcohol "see I told you you guys would get along!"

"I'm really hoping so." Y/N replied, crossing her fingers.

Y/N grabbed the tray and headed back, gave everyone their drinks, and took her seat next to Abigail.

"So Abigail, how long have you guys all been friends?"

"Oh pretty much as long as I can remember."

"You guys must be super close then huh" Y/N sipped her drink

"Yeah, we pretty much tell each other everything. Well, Sam and I do but Sebastian is more closed off. We're still very close, he just isn't open with us ya know?"

"Yeah, I can see that." Y/N started watching intently as Sebastian lined up his last shot. Everyone in the game room watched intently as he struck the ball and it sank in perfectly.

"Well it's three to nothing now Sam, are you satisfied?" Sebastian asked smugly.

"Satisfied? OF COURSE NOT. One more game dude pleaseeeee?" Sam turned to Sebastian wielding some huge puppy dog eyes. Sebastion rolled his eyes.

"In your dreams"

"I'll play you Sam." Y/N piped up, surprising herself.

"You know what that sounds interesting I'll play the winner" Sebastian now had one hand under his chin while the other held his drink

"Boyah now I get a shot at redemption! Y/N you're going downnnn" He said shifting from really excited to a sarcastic bully impression.

"I mean I haven't played this too much recently, so you might be right." Y/N shrugged casually. Y/N didn't lie, it had been quite some time since she last played pool. She just had serious doubts she was gonna lose to Sam. Y/N took her time in the game making sure to miss a few shots to make it close with Sam. When Sam had four of his balls left of the table and Y/N was left with three she decided to get serious. Y/N shifted a few feet around the table to get a better angle on the shot. She inhaled deeply, delivered the shot, and clink clink two balls in. Now Y/N had the lead three to two, and best of all it was still her turn.

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