Chapter 20 :The Truth

Start from the beginning

"Ji Cheng!"

These were the last two words Ji Cheng heard before he lost consciousness.

Lu Jingze and Fang Yao sat face to face in the café booth.

"What are you trying to say to me?" Lu Jingze sat in his seat and looked at Fang Yao, who was carefully tasting coffee on the other side.

"After reading this, you will understand." Fang Yao put a copy of the folder in front of Lu Jingze, "Maybe you are interested in knowing my father's purpose in taking Shao Feng home." "

Lu Jingze frowned and opened the document, "List of personnel of the Changting District Children's Welfare Institute?" 

"It's the orphanage where Shao Feng and Ji Cheng are." Fang Yao said, "You can check the list of people involved that year."

Lu Jingze pulled out another document in the folder, which read "List of people involved in the 914 extraordinarily large child indecency and blasphemy incident."

"Where did you get all this information?" Lu Jingze asked, opening the two lists to compare, his brows were tightly clasped together.

Eyes crossed back and forth across the two lists, and Lu Jingze's expression became more serious.

If these two lists are true, there must be no such thing as many people with the same name and surname in this world.

Lu Jingze looked up at Fang Yao on the other side.

"You don't need to care about the source of the information, I can guarantee the authenticity, I just want to ask you for help and blow this up." Fang Yao took a sip of coffee, but some trembling hands exposed his mood at the moment, "As long as this matter is successful, your Lu family's inheritance will definitely fall into your hands." 

"What do you mean?" Lu Jingze had an ominous premonition that this matter was more difficult to solve than he imagined.

"By the way, there's a recording in the folder, so I'll remember to listen to it when I get back." Fang Yao stood up, "My intuition tells me that you will be on Ji Cheng's side."

With that, Fang Yao stood up and left the coffee shop.

Lu Jingze held the recorder in his hand, and the two documents in front of him made him feel cold.

Back in the car, Lu Jingze turned on the voice recorder.

Inside was a noisy voice, followed by a conversation between two men.

"Yuan Shao, this is Shao Feng, just picked it out from the inside, do you want to try it tonight?" A man's lewd, trivial voice.

Lu Jingze was stunned when he heard this, and then "Yuan Shao" spoke:

"Fang always has a heart, but my father is not interested in such a small child, and you are not unaware, why do you still make such a mistake today?"

This is Lu Jingyuan's voice!

Lu Jingze's brain instantly seemed to be exploded, and the whole person sat in the car, unable to believe everything he had just heard.

"Don't misunderstand Yuan Shao, I know that Lu Zong and his old man are not interested, the so-called green vegetables and turnips have their own love, this radish is for Yuan Shao you."

Hearing this, Lu Jingze's previous conjecture had been completely confirmed. There was no need to continue listening, and he knew what would happen next.

After listening to Ji Cheng's narration at noon, plus the beginning and end of the things that Lu Jingze had found out before, Luo Shaofeng and Ji Cheng thought that he had understood the matter in great detail. He had always thought that this was just one of those unseemly things in the upper circles, but he never thought that the ultimate purpose of these things was to please the people of the Lu family.

Maybe he should have known a long time ago, but he just didn't want to believe it.

As the biggest owner in the upper circle, it is only natural that the Lu family is flattered by everyone. As a subordinate of Lu Junfeng, it was not uncommon for Fang Xushan to stuff people next to his superiors. It's just that their movements are too big, and they even join forces with the orphanage to do these unseemly things together.

Lu Jingze was trembling with anger, if it wasn't for Bai Rong's early discovery, would Ji Cheng also be sent to his father's bed? It is no wonder that at that time, when his scandal with Ji Cheng first came out, Lu Junfeng spoke to him on the phone at the first time.

Lu Junfeng did not oppose the relationship between the two because of Ji Cheng's adoptive father, but in his eyes, Ji Cheng was originally a person who could not be on the table.

Just when Lu Jingze was eager to rush home to confront Lu Junfeng immediately, his phone suddenly rang.

"Where are you?" Something happened to Ji Cheng!

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